Saturday, May 30, 2009

50th post

ya..I'm on my 50Th post already..only two month and I'm on my 50Th post already..that's super fast..well..the next celebration is on my 100Th post..

here my 5 favourite post that i have posted:
My Family's Potrait, Old Haunting Memories, Top 10, Perished Eternal, My own blog

Friday, May 29, 2009


Once upon a time, me was born this cute already, so everydoggy called me "clo clo's leng zhai" and all the female go.."awww...."
Here me story go.. i cute or it's the time you go...awwww.....
me here trying to see other female puppies, but this guy keep taking free photos of me..

never go bark bark him away..give me my picture back, you bad you puppy power..
oh boy..he took another one..think i didn't notice huh..well...

i'll jump and bite your ass..................................if i'm taller a bit....whine....

oh boy, he even took picture of me when i'm searching for "something" with brother

holy cow..leave me alone already...

how am i supposed to take a shit when he keep taking pictures of me.....??

Clo Clo's Leng Zhai: big brother,can u help me get rid of this guy, please..

Big Borther: i'm lazy..can't you see i'm resting...

now he got picture of me and me family..i'm going to take a dump right in front of him then...

wait wait..who the hell is this..this is clo clo's leng zhai show..go away..go away.....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

He's Just Not That into You Review

He Just Not That Into You is by far in my list..the best chick flick i ever watched..i have watched many chick flick before, but they're all pretty much the same repetitive story, this is kind of different because it tackles on many couple's relationship problem like unfaithful, not wanting to get married, not calling someone after date and bla bla stuff..the movie is based on a self help book with the same name too. This movie shows the romantic misadventures of nine individuals in their life..and how all of this can be the simple mistakes we make in a relationship..Among of all the performances, i liked Jennifer Connelly one the most..simply amazing..

Monster Vs Aliens Review

Watch Monster VS Aliens today with my friends, been waiting for this movie since March, but it got delayed until May release, finally it's here and saw it and like it..

The story of Monster VS Alien is pretty simple, straight forward story, alien came to earth and the military has kept some "good" monster to protect earth and destroy aliens..there's really not much to talk about here, it just what you will except from a dreamwork's movie..funny,entertaining, and enjoying..overall, i felt like it deserve a "B"..

noted that if you want to watch it in 3D glasses.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian Review

Saw NATM today..a typical Ben Stiller movie..the same-old-casual-routine-Ben Stiller joke's kind of movie..nothing new to the comedy genre..

Overall..the scale of the movie is much bigger now, with more variety of characters like the great statue of Abraham Lincolnan, all the way to a small Albert Eistein bottlehead, also there's more special effect animals than the first generally, if you enjoyed the first one then you will like this too.. if you're just looking for a family movie to watch together..NATM is the movie...

p.s Performance from Hank Azira, the voice of Apu from The Simpsons is quite funny here..

Monday, May 25, 2009

Random 01

This guy was singing ancient ancient chinese songs at a coffee house..
Me and my friends were chilling..then all of a sudden, he start singing out of nowhere..
Don know if he's really singing or lip sync..because the voice we heard sounded fake..
He was dragging his little machine around and singing it to every store near by..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Will Be..

These are what I'll be doing next week:

~College will be open at tuesday..god..i hate to know that..
~Will be having quite a busy week of assignment..animation is driving me up Mountain Everest and jumping down..
~Will be watching 3 movie..Up, Monster Vs Aliens and Terminator Salvation..
~Owner will be gone on 28..that means i have the whole apartment to my roomate and myself for 2 bloody week..hooray..where she's going you may ask..i don't know.but i hope is hell...
~Will be buying a new Playstation 3 game called Infamous..
~ And will still be blogging..duh...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Family's Potrait

My hands are shaking right now for I'm about to touch on a very touching subject matter..Divorce... parents are divorced..i know I'm not the only one out there..I never felt comfortable nor love talking about this but it's about time i let go of some shit that i have been holding in my chest..I don't know how to say it out for it's has never been easy for me to write about personal issue like this since the day it started them all..

I'll start by saying i was never the same kid again since 1998..i was only 9 years old when lightning strike me with this nonsense shit. I was watching TV and i don't quite remember what occured the fight..but suddenly i saw my mum and dad yelling and screaming at each other like 2 wild animal..i saw them scolding each other with all sort of gibberish, they were shouting and fighting right before my eyes..i was only eyes was flowing with tears....

I have never seen my parents fight like that before in my whole life..mum was pointing finger at dad, dad was throwing furnitures around the was a nightmare that I'll never forget..all i did was sitting there, staring lifelessly as each of my parent screaming at each other's faces...the whole house was so loud, i won't be surprised if my neighbours heard it..every seconds it went on, it gets worse and worse..neither one of them will stop yelling and the worse part is that my sister was in the picture, she and me got drag into it..she didn't know what was going on but all the sounds around her had frighten her more.. she was only 3...

Dad went out to the front gate and mum keep talking back at dad, and they start arguing again outside the house..there's nothing i could do but do sit and listen to all this shit that will tear my hear asked me to pack my bag and go with him, mum say don't go..all i feel like doing is cry, all my mind was saying is "how can this be happening", but all i did is..nothing..i couldn't do anything, i was paralyzed by the things that I'm seeing..nothing has prepared me for this..and i was never the same kid again..i don't quite remember how long it went on but i couldn't sleep at night. I know this was the shit that caused the marriage to fall apart..and i was only 9...

I study suck, exams result starts to fails..i start thinking about death..i wonder why i was even born in the first place..that wasn't the only night i remembered mum and dad fought..i remember one time as i was sleeping in my own room, mum went into her room, as soon as she went in, dad start yelling at her for hitting my sister..i was shock awake...listening to that again, reminds me back to the day i first saw they scared me so much, i couldn't even sleep..Another time, dad create shit for the family again..didn't want to eat mum's cook and blaming me for bullying my sister when i didn't..i stood up and almost wanted to hit my dad in the face..i was this close to ever come to hitting my own father..

Mum and dad has stop talking to each other ever and sis got drag into the picture too..i was torn into a million shattered pieces that can never be glued back..i don't know if my sister remember anything or not..but i feel sorry that she got involved too, if i knew about this ,i wouldn't have protected her from all this..Mum and dad don't celebrate anniversary no more, don't celebrate Valentine Day no more..and i never got the chance to know how mum and dad meet each other, but frankly i don't want to know at all now..i just couldn't bothered anymore..sigh..

Sometime i'll feel jealous of my friend's parent, because their parent are at least talking to each other, make me wish i have parents like that too..but all i have are bad memories, i don't recall a single beautiful happy moment with my parent..smiling or loving each other that kind of moment were not photographed in my mind..i was still young when all this moment were still around..

It has been 11 year since that day..mum and dad are like strangers in a home where your dad and mum won't even look at each other during's difficult..growing up in this shit is even fucking nonsense..everyday hoping that they will talk for a while or something..but no..first thing that came out from their mouth are bad words. Me and my sis are the only children in my family tree with a divorce.. it's saddened me..a lot..Some night i couldn't even sleep because all i keep thinking about is's killing me..this will haunt me for the rest of my life..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Atonement Review

I was watching a movie just now on HBO called Atonement. It's a British movie adaptation with the book of the same's not my type of movie..really but i went to watch it anyway to see what's all the buzz it had around the movie.

Overall, it's a pretty good movie, i don't know how faithful it really is to the book because i don't touch novel.. but it's good enough to finish the whole thing. The real thing that blow me away has nothing to do with the performance from the actors or the director's style but it's the soundtrack's really amazing
There's this one particular song in the movie, i don't know what the name is..but it's brilliant.The reason i say the score is brilliant is because it use piano and get this....typewriter. Ya ya typewriter to create this amazing score that i have never heard before in my's so unique! if you really curious how unique the score is..go watch the'll see what i mean.

p.s my mum was making noise while I'm watching the show..she was like "can we change, can we change.." because she don't like this kind of show and she don't believe I'm actually watching movie like this. ha ha bloody buggar i am huh..

Monday, May 18, 2009


I was digging up old stuff and i found this
me and college friends bowling for the first time ..last year.
~The first guy is Jion, which is also my roomate in my apartment. He's from Johor.
~The second guy is Marcus aka Sucram( name backward) a my quarter brother because me and him have so many similiarity..especially our IC number.
~The pink girl is Chloe..who is my legna(angel backward), adores pink. You can check her out in her blog.
~The girl in black is Sylvia..Pro artist. You can check out her deviantart here.
The last one is Wei Vern. super hyper active and love dancing.

I'm not in it becuase i'm recording..i'm the one making the noise in the video..noted that my voice is very different in real life.

My Name

~"Nicholas" means victory of the people..
~My mum named me that, my dad wanted to call me Michael..another too common name.
~Really?? Michael Tan..?? nah, dad, i don't feel the name's weird.
~I had some people pronounced my name wrongly or have it rhymed with something stupid before like:
*Ni-Ke-Lek(my uncles some my dad side call me tat, try saying it in a Chinese way)
*Ni-Ko-Last(are you trying to say "ä½  go last"? why must i go last,I'm victory of the people,baby..)
*Necklace( wow..I'm are a great rhymer...)
*Biscuit( a snack huh..y'all must thinking about me when you're hungry..or something)
*You might die( this one you'll understand if you say it in chinese..)

I don't know if i shoould be happy or sad to have a name that rhymes with necklace..
really..i don' ain't heard my chinese name gets worse..and i ain't spilling out the beans..

Nevertheless, with a name that rhyme with neckace and sounds like biscuit..some would much rather call me Ice, the reason why............because therefore..that's why

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Check this shit out, the illustrated woman..oh my goodess, her whole body is covered up in tattoo..whoa, speaking of beautiful art on human body huh..i found this on newspaper today and this chick caught my eyes, man,i was thinking that her whole body is so fully covered, she won't even need clothes to cover anything up.

Looking at her, reminded me of that time when i wanted to do a tattoo..somewhere either on my left or right arm.
Funny story is that the first shop i went to, this guy told me that he don't want to do my tattoo because i'm i was like" man, i'm giving you business here, why you don't want to take it?" and he goes " because i only do 21 and above, doing you will be illegal"......o..k..whatever then..After a while, i found another tattoo shop..but this time they'll do my tattoo.................

If i'm willing to freaking pay them 80 dollars in exchange for a size of tattoo that is the size of a grape...

Wtf..they go" 80 dollars is worthy because it will stay with you forever.." and i'm like thinking" 80 dollars is nonsense if i died in a sudden death the next day..bye bye moolah..." after all this trouble just to tattoo..i lost interest in it already..sigh..guess i'll just use marker pen and draw myself.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Observe evresbO

see more than one deer?
do u see the word "lift" or some bad splotches

can you see the baby in this picture?

do u see a face or the word" liar"?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

DREW a NEW pic

i drew this like..last year i think..guess who she is..tell me your answer..
i used a software called photoshop..
i drew it with a freakin' mouse ah..not tablet or what not..
freakin' difficult man...anyway, here's the end result..

Developed A Crush

Oh man..i'mma talk about "crush" huh..
*I don't know why i had crush on girls that i know it won't even happen.
*I don't know why i had crush on girls that i only met once.
*I don't know why i had crush on girls that i clearly can't start have feeling for.
*I don't know why i had crush on girls that turn out to be not i'm looking for.
*I don't know why i had crush on girls that is already dating my friend.

*I don't know why i had crush on girls that i don't even know why i have crush on them for?

i think the problem with me is that i fall in love too easily..i hate that!
i see girls and i like them then they turned out to be completely what i don't want to have with me..strange..why do i have these infatuation it trying to tell me something? why bothered having these affection when it's gonna fade away do i find the real one when i keep falling for the fake one so easily.. is it a process of saying one must have a crush first in order to fall in love with them?

crush and love are two different things.

crush is just an affection on someone that u met once or twice and u liked them without even getting to know them at all..only see the surface of it not yet what's inside..mostly likely turn to lust..

love is patience, emotion,exprecience related to strong sense of feeling, an attachment, it's real and u already know and love his/her good and bad and that feeling that 2 people share together.

I lashed out in my songs, but what was really going on
is that I had developed a crush, I just didn't know how to tell it to her
Should I cut off one of my ears and mail it to her?
Send her pictures of my collection of skeletons or
Footage of me impaling myself on an elephant tusk
We'll settle this once and for all, I'ma tell her at dusk
Tonight, tonight is the night, and tell her I must
Creep up to her mansion in stilettos and just
Climb the gate and ring the bell, Like hello my love
I just picked your prescription for seroquel up~Eminem

Monday, May 11, 2009


Ladies And Gentlemen..without farther a due, i bring to sister on a piano
song she's playing is called Beyonce"Halo" ...only the intro part

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Me, Myself & I

  1. I loves drawing, my mum says i started drawing at a very early age, i prefer to draw realistic things over some anime cartoon or others, after i drew something, i normally don't like to show it to people, i keep it to myself..just the way i am.
  2. I hate school, never like and will never love it. opening up books and study, argh..last things in the world that i would ever what to do. I'm taking that a lot of people will agree with me on this one.
  3. I'm a lazy bastard. i would prefer to just wake up in the morning and do nothing at all..literally. Just sit back and relax with my feet up and my hands behind my head and drink coke all day.
  4. I'm enjoyed playing video games..lots of it. i buy and buy...lots of it. But I'm no hardcore gamers like the type that won't even knows when to get back in touch with reality. I play them as a hobby only, something to do when bored, to burn time, only play for 2 hours maximum straight..not a hardcore gamer!!
  5. I always gets confused as a Malay guy. i has dark skin mainly only because when i was in secondary school, i had KRS, so sun burn turn me into Malay. But I'm purely Chinese...Chinese ah, okay?
  6. I'm not purely Chinese actually, my great grandparent are Indonesian-Chinese. So i guess that makes me 10% Indonesian...god..if i get to choose which blood i would want to be mix with, it'll be Jamaican.
  7. I had my first girlfriend when i was only 11....i young right? long story anyway, no need to tell.
  8. I have low observation skill, sometime when certain "special" things around me, i see it, but don't observe it, so normally I'm always the last one to know what is going on with my surrounding, even when it's obvious.
  9. I have a magic taste that i called it TTS meaning "taste the same". whatever i ate before, if i eat it again at a different place, it will taste like the first time i eat it, it taste exactly the can ask my friends, they know. but even with this gift/curse, it makes things easier for me, like for example whatever my wife cooks, i can eat it because i tasted it before and it'll taste exactly as good as before, so she win and i win..fair and nagging, no complaining.
  10. I can be stubborn and hard headed, but there are times where i will have to listen to women for a change, because as much as i hard to admit, they are smarter than men and makes better decision..male,please don't kill me..
  11. I cannot stand gay guy..God created male and female only, so why is there another kind in between male and female?
  12. I eat fast, like sometime super fast, my friends tend to think that i swallow my food like vacuum..but I'm just still on 1st gear.
  13. I don't cook at all..literally not even maggi mee..the microwave cooks my food all the is just not my place to be.
  14. I love listening to music. i listen to music every single day..especially Eminem's music that will never get old in my ear. To make matters worse, my mum bought me a MP3 for my birthday, since then i can hardly hear what she saying at times, because i like to blast it out loud, nothing beside music is in my ear. To make matters even worse, my dad bought me a laptop for my birthday, now i got more songs in it, mean more of not being able to hear what my parents are nagging about...sweet!
  15. I know i have mention it before..but I'm a huge Eminem number one favourite artist ever..
  16. I like horror haunting Gothic style in music, video, special effect and stuff..noted that I'm not Gothic, got it? just like to apply it's style on my work.
  17. I like to be unique when i doing design, meaning i like to be creatively different from others. not trying to sound like cocky but trying to stand out from the rest.
  18. I think i have a good memorizing skill, i tend to remember a lot of song's lyric like as soon as the songs play, i can already tell whose the artist, what album it's from, when was it released.i remember movie well too, after watching it the first time, most of it is in my mind already, so i can't watch it again immediately because i can replay it in my head. i also remember birthday well. but i don't remember things that i have studied before in school that well, maybe because i have no passion in that shit.
  19. I google the internet a A LOT!! so I'm always the first few to know what movie is coming out, what new music has been leaked in youtube, which game is coming, which celebrity has done wrong again..etc..etc...
  20. I think I'm sarcastic in a funny way..i always talks sarcastically with my friends and always use my sarcasm to tell jokes to my friends.
  21. I tells jokes all the time, my friends called me the "funny one" in my group..i personally don't find myself funny, but if my friends says that i am, then i am...beware sometimes i tell jokes too much, it gets irritating.
  22. I like to be romantic with my girlfriend(if i had any now..) i like to surprised them with present, watch sunset, be with them on the weekend, you know..the normally romantic stuffs, if you don't, go use some freaking imagination..
  23. I discovered i can write when i was 14, not like writing's writing.. i mean i can "write". at first, all i write are rap songs..then i changed it to poetry, so now poems is all i write, mostly about love and relationship..but unlike drawing..i show it to people..
  24. I can't stand 5 different type of women: nagging, unappreciative, short temper, rude and selfish..
  25. I got more nicknames that one can handle: niktionary, nikipedia, ice cream, ice cube, ice brick, ghost, u-nick.......and a lot more i'm not saying...

Resident Evil 5

I just finished Resident Evil 5 yesterday and i must say that overall it's a good game but no great or amazing nor is it as good as it's previous installment.

First thing first, Resident Evil 5 have some of best visual in video gaming, it's one of the highlight of the game, the visual is so impressive that every texture on screen looks amazing, from face expression to the little detail on their Mix with it's visual and amazing cutscene, you got one enjoying movie to watch, every cutscene is directed cleverly, perfect camera angle and stunt's entertaining. Voice acting is good too.

Gameplay wise, the story mode is shorter than RE4. it's divided into a few chapter in every level, but all of them feels short and quick. though it's short but the pacing is good, there no moment in the game where you'll feel bored. While the game lets you play co-op offline and online, playing with friends is much more fun than playing solo because the game is designed to play with a human. But if chose to play singularly, the AI itself is good enough to hadle itself in the game, so you don't have to worry about stupidity. the game have a very high replay value, you will keep coming back over and over to upgrade your weapon and collect emblem and stuff.

Overall, i give it a 8.5 out of 10, praise it's visual and gameplay, but critize it for short length and story telling.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

suiciDAL thouGHT

I had many suicidal thoughts before, mostly when i was younger..i just hate life so much!! goddamn, why must life be so hard on me when i was young..sometimes when i recall back..i don't remember asking for any if this trouble, so why they keep coming to haunt me. I'm the type of guy that never asked for trouble but trouble always seem to find me. life was my worst enemy.

I had so many misfortune in life, when i was still a small child, probably only around 3 or 4 years old, i had kidney problem, spend a year of my freaking' life in a freaking hospital. this wouldn't have happened if my earlier doctor would have just check me properly, maybe then I'll let u run away with my dad's money and won't cursed that u should rot in hell instead..because of you bastard,my body only work around 80% not 100%..

When I'm in elementary school, year standard 2 in johor bahru, i got bullied in school bus..moved to a new school in Malacca, still got bullied like hell, ain't making any different where I'll be, bastards just always seems to want problem with me; same goes with secondary school. 1st week in school, i was just sitting and chilling at one place, some malay pig came up to me and hit me..i just walked away..of course i was pissed and wanted to fight him, that's what he probably wants, but i can't because i might get expelled and it's only first week of my secondary schooling life. After all these shit that i took, i ain't gonna hold back anymore, that's why I'm reckless now.

Properly the worst part of life is one very personal issue that i don't like to mention out loud, whatever you think it is, it has hurts me, ruined me, destroyed me, turn me into someone moody and emotionally unstable inside. it happen in front of my eyes, from that moment, it has yet to leave my memories. it's haunting and devastating, it leaves a wound in my heart and everytime i think about it, i feel like dying. i was only 9 years old when this shit happens, so imagine that amount of burden hanging on my shoulder; for a 9 years old kid, it's too much to handle. i wanted to kill myself because of it but a lot of things hold me back.

Sometime we just reached a breakdown point in life where we just want to give up..looking back now, i realized how silly it is to kill myself over stuff like these. it's just life, it's unfair. i have seen people who suffer worse than me and they still keep moving on with life..thankfully i didn't commit suicide because that's a stupid way to escape from reality..i'm much better and blessed with things i have in my life now.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Finally, I'm back home, oh.......the feeling of loneliness is gone because I'm home. It feel so good to be home,my mango tree, my room, my bed ,my air conditioner, my clothes, my identity, my smell in my room and most importantly my PS3., how i missed u!!

Man, i missed home so much that i can't even described how I'm really feeling here..I'm starting to sound like a child in a candy store, like a fat kid loves cake, like a geek at the comic store, like a nerd at star wars convention, like someone who sound like anybody else besides me..but you know what makes this coming back even better?? the moment i came back, i got 3 new Eminem's misuc..SWEET!!!!

i'mma be spending a lot of time in my room now..ha ha,take that stupid lousy apartment's room.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Star Trek Review

Star Trek is definitely one of the best movie you'll ever get to watch this year. The movie is truly a solid effort from J.J Abrams, who created Alias, produced Cloverfield and directed Mission Impossible 3. this movie has everything you can want in a star trek films.
I watched it today and it was fantastic, the special effect that they did in this movie is top notch. from the planet to the spaceship battle to the design of the background and other more; everything is done so well that it just blows you away...
the lighting effect is's play with so much light effect that at times when you are watching it, you will literally feel like you're in deep cold blue space.
there some funny sense of humor in there, some great fighting scene and you know, just pure one good moment to another.
i really don't know if there is anything bad about this movie that i can's flawless. i never watched any star trek movies or it's series before, so this is a fresh start for me, if you never seen any star trek movie or series before, don't worry because this is completely brand new, you don't have to know anything about star trek to watch this.
In conclusion, Good job, J.J ...u make my money worth.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Confession Of An Obsession

hey there, I'm Nicholas and I'm a blogaholic.
i have a disease and don't know what to call it.

OMG, i am so addicted to blogging now, ever since i open my blog in April..i couldn't stop blogging. it's been only a few weeks now and i already have 2o+ post on my blog..that's a lot for me. it kinda make me think how stupid i was that i didn't do one at the first place. but then the angel on my shoulder says "do it, open a blog" and here i am now. i remember at first i thought, ya, blog might be fun but i never thought it'll be THIS MUCH FUN..

you are now my drug, my yearning, my addiction, and my obsession...

maybe i should try facebook too....

nah..i hate that crap.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Top 10

List of the top 10 women in the world that i find hot. No game character, no artwork character, none of my friends. here what i have:
10.Vanessa Hudgens

9.Keira Knightly


7.Courntney Cox

6.Jessica Alba


4.Megan Fox

3.Kwai Lun-Mei


1.Emma Watson

Anybody who knows me, will know Emma is of course my winner, it's easily the prettiest celebrity i know.. her british accent melt me like ice to water..
But if i have a girlfriend, then she is my number one, but "she" doesn't exist there's my winner.

A picture paints a thousand words

If Only..

if only the goddamn sun wasn't so heat..
then i won't feel like a goddamn roasted meat...
every hour, everyday and every week...
I'm not even blushing but it's so red on my cheek...
i sweat more than knife that can make me bleed..
now that's for real, no surprise indeed...

Monday, May 04, 2009

Pick-up lines

I found some pick-up line today, some are funny, some are hilarious but rude, some are flattery(for ladies) some are this, some are that..i don't know, i don't know, but i know most importantly they are not mine, i repeat, NOT MINE!! I didn't think of them, i found them..
thought I share some of them with you..and tell me what you think...
  1. Go up to a someone at a bar or a dance and ask her: do you want a f***... (wait for a second gauging her reaction) drink?
  2. Rejection can lead to emotional stress for both parties involved and emotional stress can lead to physical complications such as headaches, ulcers, cancerous tumors, and even death! So for my health and yours, JUST SAY YES!
  3. Were you in Boy Scouts? Because you sure have tied my heart in a knot.
  4. If beauty were time, you'd be eternity.
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
  6. Gee, that's a nice set of legs, what time do they open?
  7. Hey I am a wrestler, let me take you down.
  8. I feel like Richard Gere, I'm standing next to you, the Pretty Woman.
  9. Hey, don't I know you? Yeah, you're the girl with the beautiful smile.
  10. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
  11. What do you say we go back to my room and do some math: Add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply.
  12. Babe, your beauty makes the morning sun look like the dull glimmer of the moon.
  13. When I'm older, I'll look back at all of my crowning memories, and I'll think of the day my children were born, the day I got married, and the day that I met you
  14. If I followed you home, would you keep me?
  15. My lips are registered weapons.

*color one are my favourite*

Sunday, May 03, 2009

MV U Need 2 Check Out 2009

I have seen a few excellent mv from so many different artist .These 2 video that i'm about to show you is simply amazingly creative, now i love music video that are unique, that can stand out from the far ,2 MV has caught my attention, these are them:

1. Ne Yo~Part Of The List
This video is by far his best video yet..beautiful location, great music and a twist at the end of the video. If you don't understand it's twist, watch his previous video"Mad", so you have to watch "Mad" first THEN only watch this if you wanna keep the twist interesting..
*sorry, the quality poor, it was recorded with phone video*

This is my favourite of all time now. One thing is because i loved Eminem's music, so thats a plus for him but because the lyric is so dark and violence, it makes the video even better. The video is shockingly gory, hauntingly scary, full of blood and dead bodies..the reason i love more than any of his video is because the video has the blood and gore/haunting vibe to it that i love seeing in music video and it's edit in such a way that the MV is excellent(my favourite part is where blood on the wall is dripping up instead of down, and when he's in the bath tub fill with blood).
*waning: small children should not watch this video*

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Grand Theft Auto 4

Time for recommending another game called Grand Theft Auto 4..yes,yes,it's a 2008 game,but i don't have blog then now do i? Anyways, I'm sure everybody has heard of this franchise, it's popularity stirred up a lot of controversies, but whose gives a shit of controversies when the game is so damn good.

First of all, i would like to say that the world of Liberty City(a fictional city based heavily on modern day New York City), is massively detailed,realistic, beautiful, it feels so alive. You can run around doing whatever you want, whenever you want, do mission, killing people, play snooker, Internet, watch TV, hijack car and the list goes on and on...the only thing i don't like is that if you play the previous installment: GTA San Andreas and you liked all the activities you can do in that game, you won't find any of them in here; it's been stripped down for a more linear gameplay..

Another thing i like is it's the characters, especially the main hero, Niko Bellic. He is the most real character ever in a video game, his lines are Oscar worthy, voice acting is excellent and a very lovable character to like. Actually he's the only reason i keep coming back to play the game over and over.

Multiplayer is fun to play too..there's some co-op and competitive mode such as racing, deathmatch, team deathmatch, and other 16 mode to play in total.

In conclusion, i give it 9.0 out of 10 for being an excellent game;amazingly realistic world; stunning action set pieces; genuinely engrossing storyline; hugely entertaining multiplayer


Violence Towards Women.

Gentlemen..are y'all still out there or something? cuz we seem to be losing a lot of y'all..
Violence towards women is something that i don't like to hear or see or read on anywhere, why the hell is the world so violence towards women, i mean come on,man..what happened to all the men? y'all can't pick a fight with someone your own size so you seize the moment to hit a's hard to see that my kind of species has turn to "pussy" "cowards" "no balls"..i hate it when women been hit by their men or whatever, i watch these case on TV before, read it before, seen it before..and all i can do is sit back and do nothing but to wonder..what has the world turn's disgusting cuz men who hits a woman is the one that wears the "skirt".

I never understood why male do that? i remember another incident of domestic violence that happened recently that i think y'all know what I'm talking about..the whole" Chris Brown/Pussy and Rihanna" incident. When i first read that i was like..stunned..he looks like the type of clean cut innonce looking guy until this turns up..Chris brown is a pussy for hitting a girl..same goes for any man who enjoyed hitting girls out there,y'all supposed to die not go to jail or whatever, instead Chris pussy walks free as a man, all of abusive men are probably celebrating now.

It's not just the beating I'm talking about, this includes killing, kidnapping, raping and etc etc. i found this game recently on youtube, it's been developed by Japanese company and it's selling on amazon,it's called "Rapelay". the game is a stimulator raping game that lets men rape women...OMG..thank you you stupid fucking Japanese clowns for encouraging male to rape women as they please,do you really really need to make games like that??? My God what has the world really turn to now..?it's shit like these that make the mind corrupted and it's shit like this that more and more women are unsafe, it leave a bad taste in my mouth. i don't know why raping is so "fun" at all.. i mean if someone want to have sex, you can just pay a prostitute for it,right? but no...even with stupid services like that, y'all still to go hunting for own prey huh?!!. I have seen innocence girl being abusive by us men..we are not human if we are doing this to another's traumatic, disturbing and saddened me to know all this.

VTW has make me become protective towards all my female friends and family.All of ladies out there, y'all need to learn self defense now.To all my female friends, if u think I'm too over protective,this is why..

Boredom Problem

Man, I'm bored with the Internet..i google the Internet so often that i have nothing to search no more.every morning, I'll google web site so much sometime i just don't have anything else to google, maybe it's me cuz I'm ain't into all those studying geography crap on the net..cuz if i would to put my interest on those shit then i would have something else to search about, right?but i will rather shoot myself, sorry, just no passion in those crap..i don read novel and stuff too.

My apartment is empty, everyday i stay in my room googling, googling and googling, don't communicate with my owner(don't ask). If my PSP is charged, then i would play it, weirdest things is sometime i'm not in the mood..(me?? no mood for games,i need a doctor now). Other than those entertainment, i write poem or I'll do my homework..sigh, i rather write poem than doing assignment..sorry again, I'm a lazy guy..i could watch TV, there's Astro.....if it'll stop showing old junk repeatedly and start showing us some new program then maybe there's a "real Astro". *U(astro) have over 200+ program on ya, and i can't even find one channel that is good*

I'm too lazy to go outside and relax, cuz how you gonna relax outside when the damn sun is so hotttt!!!!!there no movie to watch..actually there is..but not yet released on cinema.Luckily there 4 blockbuster to check out:Star Trek(I'm not a geek),Up,Monster Vs Aliens(the enjoyment of animation movie make me stop reminding myself how much i hate animation)and Terminator Salvation(God..make this movie released faster) least i pleased to say that my Nusic(New+Music combine) never disappointed me. with Eminem's new music in my list..i can keep hearing those tracks over and over.

the boredom make me sit here typing this post for y'all to read......

i think the reason I'm making so much noise is cuz i missed home..air cond, cucumber and tomato in the fridge, my sweetheart=PS3, i missed u~( i mean for crying out loud, i bought a game in March and i couldn't play it until a month and 2 weeks later, do you know what it feels like to have bought something and could not use it till a month later?) i missed mummy's spaghetti, i missed dad coming back from work safely, i missed my little sister.. i missed home bitter home.. i wanna go home now..

I'm still making noise huh..sorry.let me save y'all time from reading these nonsense by saying that boredom is a problem to me..
God..I'm so bored

Friday, May 01, 2009

X Men Origin:Wolverine Review

Yesterday i went to watch Wolverine at The Curve..

Let me just start off by saying that the trailer for this movie is awesome, it got me hyped,anticipated to watch this movie, and i thought to myself, this is a X Men movie,'ll be good. X Men and X2 was good,don count on X Men: The Last Stand(Brett Ratner..thanks for screwing up the franchise). so i wait and waited and it has officially arrived and i have to say that this movie is just "ok"...

here why:
The first thing that bothered me the most is the effect and editing is not done very well..a lot of time i can see obvious special effect like on his claw and the characters,it's looks fake and not well polished. secondly, editing is not done well either, like when sabretooth run like a four leg beast..very obvious wire trick..wrong camera just looks awful..

The story is good, staying close to the comics story,there humor and love element in it, and of course telling how wolverine became wolverine, how brothers turn to foe between him and sabretooth

The action is decent..some good sequence, some decent sequence, some bad sequence..nothing awesome...

So in conclusion, this movie is ok, nothing mind blowing or new to movie history..just average ok.