Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye Bye 2009 Hi Hi 2010

Blog And Facebook
Created a blog and a facebook account for myself, though intially at first i did not want either one, thought it was lame..well, guess i joined that lame-ness myself now..and i must admit, having a blog and facebook ain't so bad after all.

Finally it has reached the Semester where we have to take our internship. I had my internship in KL..1 hour and 45 minute there for 3 month, 350 per month..was really tiring working there but glad it was all over already..

This year totally lack of ne music..really really lack of new music, i had to dig through old songs just to give my ears something different to listen to, but only Eminem's music is worth mentioning since i'm a big fan of him, so glad that he's finally back..more than 20 new songs from him in 2009, another 20 more is coming in 2010, new Jay Chou music this year though, he's the only chinese artist i listen to, so would like to hear his new material now please..

Every year is pack with enormous amount of movie..this year was no different too, except during August till November with lacked any good movies..was dry bored of movie during then, had to watch a bunch of crap ones.
My Favourite Top 5 Movie Of 2009
1. Avatar
2. Transformers 2
3. Star Trek
4. 500 Days Of Summer
5. Sherlock Holmes

Biggest Surprise
There was no dramatic surprises that happened to me this year, but if i had to chose one, i think it will reading book..i hate books, i don't like to read and yet due to boredom, reading was the only way for me to burn time..poor me~

Biggest Disappointment
Eagle Point not hiring me..i really wanted to do my internship at that place, waiting for crazy for a reply, and the reply was "no"..well i guess it's ok cause i guess everything happened for a reason..

Met a few new friends during my internship, most of them are from MMU-Andrew, Kison, Joyce Alex, Tong, Ling, Jia Yong..those were good time. Had a gathering with my old friends in Melaka Raya, felt quite like high school again with those people, had not seen them for 3 years..though intially my friend's plan was to get all of us talking, together, but instead we're still feel closer to those we talked to the most..Last but not least, met a special friend, J..only through creating this was i able to meet her, she found me first, so this whole friendship thingy..i blame her for it, haha..

2010 Ahead
What i want for 2010, i only want happiness and be healthy, anything else is up to God to decide whether the time is right for me..i let fate decide my life.Stop Worrying and Start Living..