Sunday, October 31, 2010


On my previous post, I talked about how it feels like working on the first day..and after 2 weeks..i kinda like the job, i can how my father stayed on this line for 12 years running..

I'm starting to get used to the whole system and at the same time getting used to the flexible working hour, and boy oh's really flexible..I only need to work for as long as i want or as short as i want, one way or the other, as long as i managed to sell something..shit is easy.

For the pass 2 week, i've been coming home around 2 or 3 o's so easy, just driving around and looking for empty houses or shop to sell is the hard part, not to mention having a buyer, that's the tougher part but if i managed to go pass this 2 level, then the money comes in..and that's the joyful part..

Selling properties is kinda like selling cars, at times there won't be any money coming in at all, but when shit kicks in, when the money bill comes in, when the dollar come rolling, when the buyer love it..shit is sweet..I mean we can't find our buyer so all we can do is sit and wait..that's why the working hour is so flexible..Seriously, if i knew it is this much joy, i would have done it in the first place instead of having to go through all those designing workplace..

But despite all this, it's still a work, so i need to have the right working attitude otherwise i'll fail i'll try not to fall on the second option..Plus side is..I've spending lot more time with my father then ever..we talk more nowadays cause finally we have something we can talk about..I feel closer to my father now..

Did i mention my dad ALMOST sold a place that comes with a 3 million commission..well, it didn't happen..shit..

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