Sunday, October 11, 2009

What Bloggin' Means To Me

What does blogging actually means to me..Well, when i first started off, blogging is nonsense to me. blogging was a waste of time cause you have to constantly update it, and that it's really for people who has nothing better to do, then to sit at home and stare at computer screen all day..well, i became a blogger myself in the end, and guess feels good to i'm sorry about i said about blog before..i take it back.

Everybody has a story to tell..

Now blogging to me is like a diary i keep, except this for people to view..The reason i blogged is because i realized that someday i'm gonna get old and forgetful and blogging is one of the way i can always look back and see how my life was before. Life is like a roller coaster, up and down, up and down, it's full of shit to post about..and every chapter should be full of stories to read,

No story is not worth listening..

To me, blogging is for me to keep track of events that has happened in my entire life while i'm still breathing, anything that is worth mentioning will be in it. anything bizarre shit that happened will be in it..anything in my past that i recalled will be in it. So, blogging is kinda like my album..Each post in every month is like an album i put out for people to hear, each post itself is a song that contents different things in my life, like a song that tell story, story-teller song..

My song, my words, my stories..

I put it out for y'all to hear, telling you what's in my mind, in my when I'm posting..i say whatever the hell i wanna say, things that bothered me that I'll never say to your face, i'll say it here, things that fucked up my childhood life, I'll say it here, people that pissed me off, i'll piss you back here, you act funny with me, I'll make you a clown here. But i'm not using blog to show hatred, i'm just expressing..because you people's stories are also worth telling to the world..i'm making y'all "famous". But if i post about something once..I'll never post it again..I never post 2 same things in my'll hardly find the post that has same similarity to one another..I'm always trying to tell new stuff, why talk about the same shit over and over again..

Life is like a chapter in a book, every pages is different..

Blog is my gateway to express feeling like music is my gateway to relate and like games is my gateway to escape from reality..i have expressed some of my darkest secret in here..things i never talked about in public, i only expressed and write them here to tell you how i was back then, how much i wrote down is only how much you'll get out of me, further little detail i will not let it out..meaning I'll always have little secrets in me no one will ever know..Back then when i have difficulty in telling people my problems, has all bottled up inside.. all the little old memories back then has now found a place to unfold it's stories..

Everyone keeps secret..

The title is called "Up Ghost N Personal"..the "Ghost" means me, i'm ghost, my nickname and it has the word "personal" on don't expect me to go soft on topics that are sensitive.i spit however i want to spit..because everthing about my life is worth mentioning..well, they are my stories after all..and these are what I'll be leaving behind me when I'm gone, carrying it on like a legacy, like a dynasty..I would like to open Blogspot 10 years from now to look back at my life and laugh and reminisce at it..

Story of my life, searching for the right..

Jane, if i never had this blog, i would have never met u..^^