Friday, October 09, 2009

Venus Vs Mars

They say that men are simple, women are complicated but i think that's only partially true.. i think sometime men are complicated too..but i truly think that men AND women are actually both simple and complicated at time to time.
Complicated Men:
men that required their girlfriend to change their appearance totally so that he can show her off to his their must have a hot body and ass and and class..sigh~
Simple Men:
men that just want a caring girlfriend..that's all..haha..
Why women think men are complicated:
Women only think men are complicated because they think men don't listen and have all these crazy sexual fantasies and needs..i just have to say that some guys do listen and fantasies are just fantasies.
My thought:
Hello?? men on earth, do you know that women don't like it when you tried to change them too much, they'll really appreciated it if y'all could accept them the way they are..just like the way they accept you..she ain't a trophy wife you know.

Simple Women:
Women always say this" All i want is just him to love me, as long as he loves me,i'm happy..that's all i need"..actually i think it's true. See, some women don't need men's money with big car big house or anything..all women really need is love.
Complicated women:
Women that likes men that is flirty rich, that can shower them with jewelry and big house with big car..with expensive vacation here and there..shit~
Why men think women complicated:
Men think women are complicated because they are fussy, difficult, nagging, bitchy and always want to it really that bad if she wants to cuddle?
My thought:
Women only only only wants love AKA thoughtful, caring and attention..a boyfriend's job is quite easy if you learned to master just to pay attention and love the long as he knows what his girl wants..happy!.

Here's a book about men and women's relationship from John Gray, which i read in Popular a few weeks ago..i forgotten most of it already but the stuff i remembered kinda change my perspective on women..and..why is it that all books like this are freaking "bestseller"??
Example of the difference between men and women from my favourite sitcom "Friends"..the comparison of men and, women=all the things you're bout to see.

Here's a song titled Venus Vs Mars from Jay Z..
~me Im from the apple which means Im the Mac,
Shes a PC, she lives in my lap~Jay Z


  1. Cause Men & Women, are just like Yin & Yang, they can't live without the either, but it doesn't mean they can compliment each other.
    Complicated Men: This is not complicated Men, this is Dumb@$$ Men, lol...
    Simple Men: This is not simple men, this is merely true hearted man.=)
    Why women think men are complicated:
    Because they don't get the signs women throw at them, right at their face, women is indirect, direct man cannot catch wot women rly means, some guys do listen, n vice versa, sum girls nvr do. lol.
    My thought:
    Women ain't a trophy wife, neither r men to be perfect, girls expect the same from the guys, so u can't juz blame the guys.

    Simple Women: She who is willing to be 24/7 housewife. Lol.
    Complicated women: Those are gold diggers, and they aint complicated, for money is all they thk about, complicated women are those who alwiz earns 4 sth that is impossible 2 get, perhaps his affection, when he had already pour his heart out, or his 24/7 companion, when he need 2 deal wif other thgs as well. Those, are complicated women.
    Why men think women complicated:I don't thk a men will mind if a women wants 2 cuddle, won't they be even more happy, besides, guys can be over protective and ask d girl this that, can't do this must do that, lol..
    My thought:
    Thoughtful, caring and attention is the fundamentals of a lover, if you don't hev either, well, u dun luv the girl enuf, it is not to know what the girl wants, but to know wot she needs, when she is sad, all she needs is a shoulder to cry on, it's that simple.

    +I hev no idea y izit bestseller, one thg 4 sure, I won't spent my money buying those kinda books, when evryone has their own opinion, n no 2 souls are the same, we are living in two worlds...

  2. +Two worlds apart, keep that in mind.^^
