Thursday, November 04, 2010

Sibling Rivalry

Why does 2 people who lived in the same house fight..why does sibling always fight..why would God made me then made me another someone to create conflict with me..why would God put a snake and a pig to become sibling..why would God want blood shred to happen between a brother and a sister..why rivalry..

My guess would be because 2 people spend so much time together that lighting and thunder is bound to collide every now and then..the thing is..why must it happen..why can't it just skip that colliding part and just continue..I guess divorce is kinda the same reason why it happened..2 people spending too much time together, especially a Venus and a Mars..shit is just gonna take off..

Me and my sister just got into a fight not too long ago..this shit will last a few days to cool off..I'm a snake and she's a pig..see the terrible irony? The Chinese saying says that snake and pig are mortal enemies, and out of all the animals, the snake ends up wit a pig for a sister..why did it happen..of course something like..everything happened for a reason will be the response if you ask. I guessed maybe because my dad is a dog and my mum is a dragon..therefore i suffered the same fate..Dog and dragon are also mortal enemies according to the Chinese.

Comment Or Die+


  1. +I'm a horse, and she's a pig. wot about snake and horse? Haha.xD

  2. i'm not sure..ask the chinese astrology or something..
