Sunday, November 21, 2010

One Ticket Please

I started watching movies in cinema only when i was around 17 i think..before that, it was either from CD or Astro..and ever since i started watching movie in has become a rather tradition way that every new movie comes out has to be seen in the cinema..

The big flat screen, the crowd among us, the popcorn, the surround sound, the entertainment of the show, the laughter together..that's why it's best to watch movie in cinema, if you think watching Avatar through CD is the best way possible, doctor needs to check your head then..

Anyway, i have always watched many movie on my own, and people seems to either find that sad or weird, something like abnormal..i don't know why.

I watched most of the movie alone for many reasons, not their type of movie, schedule conflict, no money and some other shit as well..I prefer to watch some by myself because it's easier to arrange, my way..having to commit to everyone else favor just takes too much time.

No offend though, it has nothing to do with not liking the company, I'm just used to it..I don't find it sad or weird like my friends do, i'm just used to it..besides, the reason i bought the ticket is to watch the movie i wanted, not to chit chat with people beside me.

Comment Or Die+


  1. +Haha, well, I tried 2 watch a movie by myself once, then my fren chipped in n say she wanna watch it as well, ask me stop bein crazy, y d heck do I wan 2 watch alone. Honestly, to me personally, I would rather a company not because I wanted to chit chat wif them or anythg, but I would rather they sit bside me than strangers that sumtimes wudn't share the same laughter n emotions as me watching d movie. haha. So yea.

  2. well u said everything u have to said..i have nothing to comment..:(
