Saturday, November 06, 2010

Hospital Mummy

Mummy had a bad sickness today, she woke up looking like Satan's missus from's weird because she just had this really bad fever, headache, chest pain and what not happened this morning..

SO i drove her to the clinic but turns out it was closed, so i drove her to another clinic and it was close too then the 3rd clinic was opened..but doctor need to go to a hospital to check up and take blood sample because they're afraid it might be Denggi. So i drove Satan's missus to the hospital and the smell of hospital bring back fond memories of my days spending in a hospital..screaming, yelling, crying, bleeding and torturing, it's all coming back to me now..

Anyway, the doctor it might and might not be Denggi but she needs to stay in the hospital for God knows how long so this shit means my allowance will get cut..Anyway, i drove back to my sister and bring her to the hospital as well to stay there for a couple of hour till our next visit tomorrow..I'm gonna be doing lots of driving these few days. She gets a room with only one bed meaning she gets the whole room to herself, and not only that but one of Astro's channel as well..lucky woman.

So everyone of us in the house has been admitted to the hospital before one way or's like a never ending cycle of hospital for my operation when i was young, my sister for her asma, my dad for his car accident and now my mum for her yet to be confirmed illness, ah..the tradition continue..but the winner is still me, yes and only and only..for spending nearly a year in a hospital..

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