Friday, July 16, 2010


I all the other struggling fresh graduate out there..struggling to find a decent job..I am..unfortunately..have no such luck in my job hunting mission..

I had a lot of call from different companies for interview, most of the working environment are nice, some are not quite my taste. Anyway, let me break it down for you the companies that i had went..

AD Target Sdn Bhd
Went there a day before the interview, saw the place..not a good first impression, didn't went for the interview after that..
Percentage of getting the job:0/10

Verve Printing Sdn Bhd
Went that, small fact tiny little room should i say, very small little working place..they test me by asking me to do certain advertisement in a short amount of time and i panic..suddenly i just seem to forget everything I've learned..dumbass..
Percentage of getting the job:5/10

K2 Marketing Sdn Bhd
Went that, nice place and the lady who interviewed me was super friendly..rare..I had nothing to show since i just found out that they do graphic on T shirt but interview went alright i guess..
Percentage of getting the job:5/10

Adberry Snd Bhd
This is probably the longest interview among all, it was like about an hour long..The guy who interviewed me was a friend of my lecturer..surprised..Anyhow, the place and the people are nice, might take this one if they want to take me..
Percentage of getting the job:7/10

Trimore Trading Sdn Bhd
Shortest interview ever..2 minute long, i had only a few shoe design to show them since i had did any shoe design before, so i went and did some for them and all i get was..oh oh oh..oh oh..oh oh oh..Strongest feeling in my heart saying that i will never get it judging from the interview, in fact i don't want to take it too if i get to..
Percentage of getting the job:1/10

World Of Feng Shui Sdn Bhd
Again, a nice place but eventhough i felt like the interview went alright, i hardly doubt i'll get it since they say in order to work, i must be familiar with InDesign..i never learned InDesign..
Percentage of getting the job:3/10

Mindbender Sdn Bhd
First off, i just wanna say that i don't remember sending my resume to this place at all, anyway, i could go there due to no it was a missed opportunity..
Percentage of getting the job:0/10

So you luck..

Comment Or Die+


  1. dude, whats wrong with the 1st one?? how bad was it?

  2. it's just doesn't look like a good place la..hard to describe..
