Thursday, January 21, 2010

Houses I've Live In Before

I've moved in and out of a lot of houses, in fact i can't even remember how many were there..

Currently the one that i'm living in right now is a single story house, terrance..I've been in this house since i was born. Yes, i grew up in there but we moved out to a different places to live and by age 9 i was back again into this house, so basically this is the house i've spend most of my memories in..It's not a big house, it's a small me, i like to live in a small house, it's just easier to get around, you know like i don't have to freaking come out from my room, climb a mountain of stairs to enter a maze back kitchen just to enter a freakin toilet to pee..small is better, more casual and easier to clean..

I used to live in Sabah too, i remember it was more like a flag and we were living on the 4th floor..Really small, 2 bedroom and one of them is all to myself only..I have a bed that was so big that it can hold up to 4 person on it's kinda like a double king size..The thing that i remember most about that place was i was playing toys and a crab caught my mum by the finger..ouch..Oh ya, i also remember i said the word "Fuck" for the 1st time, heard dad said it to a football game, and i said in one of the neighbour house..damn..and this was also the place where i officially hate egg yoke forever..

The first house where i live in was almost the same size as my current house size, inside i mean..This was i started to like drawing and played my first video game..i forgot what machine it's called, it's was the one with tape..Anyway, this was where my sister was born, i remember mum was expecting because her tummy were big, ya, me being around age 6 to 7 understanding what pregnancy is..I learned how to ride bike for the first time here, took my mum a long time to teach me.I don't remember much about this place except i had a really good friend as my neighbour, a guy named Roger..
my first bike ride
This has to be my favourite house of them all..this house is a single story house but it's was wide..The living room, the kitchen, even the toliet and bathroom is huge..the place was so big, i had so much space to run around, plus, next door to us is a kidnergarden school but i was too old for that already..I got scared at one time because for some stupid ghost show my mum was watching, i find it too creepy at that time..just give me chill thinking about it..My room was the best, playing with my toys, spying at the house opposite my window..i forgot what i was spying again though. I don't know why dad wanna move us here, but i freaking thankful for it..i missed that place..My sis in my parent's room
This was the only double story house we ever had..but instead of going up, it goes it like the house is up to down, like going down the hill..This was when mum start having her driver license and dad brought her a Kancil while dad switch to Satria, and me, well i switch from a bike to another bike..lame..Anyhow, this was where i had my first female friend, Rachael, she lives 2 house from mine, she was a year older than me..we had a lot of fun together, i don't much though but i sure hell can't forget her, i only stay there aboout 2 years i think..shame we have to move again..

So i was back to melaka again and pretty much have live there since..


  1. +Haha, well, dun rly hev the time 2 read finish, slpy ad, but haha, I lived in 3 houses bfor, still like my hse now, the smallest of all..kaka...rly damn ez 2 cum in n out...
