Monday, April 11, 2011

Won't Shut Up

I remember about 2 weeks after i became a property agent..i knew the consequence of being an agent is that the handphone will ring non stop, and if it's in silent mode and you thought you could hide it in your pant..then your ass will vibrate non stop..

They said that if your phone ring non stop means there's good business, especially if the number is an unknown..but then after 5 month into this line of work sometime you wished that you could just ask your handphone to shut up a just a few days, at least on weekend.. i mean last thing i need or anyone needs on weekend is to talk about job.

I used to hate answering phone call when i was younger sometime i wouldn't even bother to answer friends just so i could have some peace and quiet, lock inside my own little mind cell and never come out. There are times where the phone is very quiet which is rare nowadays, then there are times where the phone won't shut up at all and it drives me crazy. So what am i asking for, how about a little balance from both please..

I couldn't even eat in peace, couldn't even watch movie in peace, sometime i couldn't even sleep in peace because people just don't seem to care about your schedule and all they want are customer cater. At times i want to shut the phone off but i'll afraid to lose customer yet sometime like i said, it's crazy..guess it's karma for not answering in the past.

I missed peace and quiet, where are y'all my dear friends..

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