Thursday, April 07, 2011

I've Sold My Third House

I've finally sold this house..I said finally because this house holds the title for most customers caller ever in the history of my property agent career, and will probably remain on top for a long long time..the total amount of 57 customers before it was officially sold..

56 calls only, didn't managed to get them in the house but number Mr.57 was a special guy, kinda knew he was special when we first met so eventually he bought it for the price of 265k, a very reasonable price i must say..for a single story bungalow for crying out loud.

And then i was thinking that nobody would have a fucking nerve to buy it for that kind of price, yet fate and life has once again prove me wrong. For having 5 deals that was supposed to happen in Febrauary, it's nice to finally see some light shining down on me instead rather than someone else, i work hard you know..

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