Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Way They Stare

Don't you sometime feel like there are eyes somewhere or anywhere looking at you, like the constant looking at you and not willing to let go of the sight of you..doesn't it just feels creepy.

To be honest i hate the 'stare'..the look the way some people stare at you like you're some freak..i find it very weird at how some other people could look at someone like they ain't never seen nothing like it before. Observing and staring creepily is 2 different thing, one is paying attention at how certain thing revolve while the other one tells that the person is mostly highly likely to be single and working as a shit ass person with a shitty job and a shitty pay..mostly likely..otherwise why would they stare till that way.

I often find times and times again that men like to look at women, then again there's the alter ego version, staring at women. Men looking at women is normal, women do them too..but some people gave some an awkward look that even i don't like it not to mention trying to understand why. I remembered there was this one time that me and my sister was walking home, she was only 12 at that time and this guy gave her this very provocative look like he was fantasizing her in a disgusting sexual vulgar way in his head, i swear to God i was gonna pop him there and then..i mean come on, a 12 years old..

What provoke me to start this post was today while having dinner in some food court, a family was staring me, why you may ask, i want to know too but i didn't know they were 'staring' i was washing hand and when i turned around, the father was looking at me like he saw gold and he was still looking at me after he look back at him. As i continue to walk back to my table he was still looking, i felt like digging his eyes out like what the fuck man..seriously some people just makes you want to kill them just because the way they stare at you, ever felt that way before? i do..all the time..

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