Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dear Nicholas Brain

Dear Brain,

This is your owner speaking, hey brain i want to ask you, why do you like to think shit that isn't real, why do you like to make me believe that certain happened at certain time can actually mean something when it couldn't..i mean you being doing it for about 20 years now, why do you chose to do so to your owner?

Ol brain..sometime you make my life miserable because of the way you think of certain things, misinterpret and misunderstanding things for the way they are, I used to remembered that you were smarter, must have gotten dumber due to all the beating that you got when I was in Standard 4..remember Miss Quack? ya, she beat you hard..thanks to her now all you do from time to time is daydreaming and getting lost in the wonderland of mind where thoughts are irrelevant.

Note to you that why are you so good at remembering all the little personal detail like birthdays and stuff but not like the things that i make you memorized, then what's the point of memorizing? Shit..if we were to recall back all the studies we went through we can't remember shit now can we?

Sometime i wonder why to you like to make thing harder than it actually is, why can't sometime you say the right word at the right time, and you know the worse part make things seem like it's happening when it's not, like if someone being nice to your owner, you went and make him think that they like you, you are you're own little storyteller aren't you. Not to mention for the love of God, when your owner say sleep you go to sleep and not go on and on making movie in the head, drag on and on till it passed his bedtime..

Well, i guess it's all these bad oxygen that you're breathing in that makes you weird i hope you will work on the sleeping issue though..

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