Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Let me break it down for you something that happened today..

Let me ask often is it that you were walking and suddenly found a phone, not just any handphone..but Sony Ericsson Cyber Shot..

I know right...^^

But I gave back...

See, here's the story..i was walking in Summit and saw this couple i walk in front of them..then suddenly i turned because i heard an item sound alike noise..then i saw the phone on the ground..
Of course i picked it up and use it for a while..go through their little entertainment..but then i feel i sms Jane, and she told me that it's best i give it i's not something i initially want to do..i wanted to use it as my own or sell it to someone..but plus overcome the minus.
So i called the guy, Malay..i used my friend's name,David..undercover..and made up a whole load of crap saying i found it in a toilet with a paper around it, words were written in Chinese, i don't know how to read them, but there was a number on it, so i called it..I don't know whether he believe me or not but either way i did give it back before you gonna hit me, think properly that i save you money to buy another phone..dumb dumb..but of course he didn't hit me, he just gave me his card, don't know for what and a handshake..and left..
So there you's not something that happen to me all the time..Sony Ericsson man..i gave back a Sony Ericsson..



  1. That's very good of u :) Try putting urself in the guy's position. Sure u want others who found ur phone to return it back, ryte? So did the guy. Don't worry. good will eventually come ur way. Honesty's the best policy :)

  2. haha..ok..nice to meet u by the way
