This post is dedicated mainly to all property agents out there, if you're not interested in property nor an not read this post for it will be strictly boring to your attention. Thank You.
There's 2 way to get paid when it comes something to do with property, either by selling or renting, more people will think selling is better because we agents will get more money, while other believe that renting will get fast money.. true and true. I personally like to use both.
When i first started out as an agent i was only interested in selling houses because at that time i got rejected for house rental multiple throughout, that in return killed my interested in renting for a very long time. So i focused only in selling houses instead and one month into the line of work i sold my first house therefore i thought maybe i can survive mainly by focusing on selling only..but i was wrong.
The thing with selling property is that it takes longer time to get paid, with getting the right customers then getting loan approved and then letting lawyer to prepare agreement and all sometimes takes months to do..then only..finally signed and get paid. Logically speaking, if only one case per month and that's how long it takes to get it one's gonna survive long. Sometime to make the progress more challenging, problems might occurred in between stages, adding even more tension than it already has.
It didn't took me long to realized that i can't survive much just by sticking to one way of making money in this sort of work therefore rental is also important, at least if you wanna start off slowly, try out house rental me. Rental is the opposite of selling, it's faster but less payment because quite frankly the reason people rent houses instead of buying is because they can't afford it right?
The thing about rental is that normally if a customer has confirmed they're interested it would take about a few weeks to get money, less but at least one will get paid. Rental's biggest worries is that if the so called customer is not what they seem to be sometime, that in return will causes the agent and the owner alot of problem therefore..headache for no reason. There have been cases where a tenant changed the doorknob and lock itself so that no one can enter the house..yes, some people are just that bad. Trust betrayed..
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