Thursday, October 27, 2011

Random 27

Isn't just in Malaysia or worldwide because it seems that the goddamn internet connection is having major slowdown which is quite frankly irritating because there are alot of us who wakes up in the morning and first thing we do is pop into Facebook and see what the fucks up with the world around us therefore without the internet connection we are doomed and screwed and that ain't fun especially when it comes down to watching videos on Youtube but that impossible now since the connection is so bad that the damn thing is lagging and dragging on and on so for whatever reason this is happening needs to be resolved, absolved and the technician needs to be involve otherwise we'll get into one big brawl and that ain't cool anymore.

Thank you.

Comment Or Die+


  1. this blog entry is like me, its like i wrote it, clean, simple and straight forward.

  2. raining season. TmNet or whatever net flooded, I guess.
