Saturday, July 09, 2011

Man Of The House

Previously on the last post..i talked about my top secret operation that I'm going through with, why i didn't tell my parents about it and why i chose to pay the bill by myself..

I feel like I'm a big boy now and that there's certain things that i can or should try to do it by myself without any assistance.. independence is important right. I chose to learn how to be more independent now than ever is because i want to know what's it feel likes to be the provider in the family.

For 20 years of my life, my dad provided almost everything for his family, a huge burden and crazy amount of responsibilities..yet he managed to do so, being his junior..and hopefully being able to be a father too sometime, i need to know that i'm capable.

That's the solely reason i did what i did.. the reason i didn't want to tell my parents cause then i have to explain everything to them then they'll try to help me pay for it and all, i love to..but i don't want to. The other reason is the same reason as the other one, independence.

Paying for the bill, i can officially confirmed that I'm bankrupt..broke and desperate in need of money to pay finish for the rest of the bill. While being broke right now i realized that without money i have more motivation to work hard like never before..with the mindset of independence, it's bad but not all that terrible after all, I'm a cow that needs to be slap on the butt in order to move.

I feel like now would be the best time to start training myself to realize the power of money struggle and how my father felt all those spending moneys on us after having to kiss so much asses just to make a few buck..time for me to fill in those shoes now.

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