Friday, December 31, 2010
Bye Bye 2010 Hi Hi 2011
1. Coming Home
After 3 year staying at Subang Jaya, after 3 year suffocating in someone else's room, banging wall..i was finally given the grand entrance to go home, and i couldn't wait at all. So excited to the point i left my laptop behind so have to wait till that bitch ass owner come back and unlock the door for me..but it feels amazing..home sweet home, bitches..
2. Property Agent
It was something i never thought i will be, but i couldn't control fate, it's been decided..I will end up a agent, 007 that is..The best part of being property agent is that the working hour is flexible, the worse part is getting shit ass owner to deal with..argh..
3. My First House
Selling off my first house is an overwhemling exprience, now i know what it feels like, to get so much money in a month, not going to say it but i never had so much money before in my hand, praise to the God..
4. Graduation
Finally out of SEGi, no need to see those bitch ass lecturer that is so cocky that they think they're God..I'm looking at you, Ching-a-ling-motherfucking-ping-a-pong..Of course every normal human being will miss their college at some point of their life, lots of great and awful happen in that place..
5. Job Interviews
I went through hell literally to find a job in Subang Jaya, climbing up and down like a mad cow just to get rejected constantly more than 30 times, life was a hellhole then..Sweating and exhausted and irrtated and sicken to the bone just to make end meets, you can see why being a property agent was my number 2 highlight of the year..
6. Drive Myself Up The Hill
I've got my car already, finally it's Icestructor, the Tanminator, the Italian Stallion, the White Devil, the Squarebox, the MBX a.k.a My Bitch Xtreme..Love my car..
So that's it i guess.6 is enough, don't want to go on too long..2011 awaits..
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Random 18-Cold Water
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Hit & Run
The sad part of this is..i lied to my dad, i told me that someone bang my car when i was in the bank, and while they were reversing they must have bang it..when in truth i bang my car against his ass when i saw someone i knew, familiar with but can't seem to remember when i seen him before. I drove away from it though, hence the title..hit and run..i was shocked and i couldn't get a rat ass about the driver, my car needs medical surgery immediately..
Anyway, it was no big deal, the hood is a bit bend and aircond engine got a bit crazy but it was fixed, now all that's left to do is send it to the mechanic to knock knock the hood, probably repaint it if need to..there's always first time for everything right..
The best part was that the car that i bang didn't feel the impact of it..not a bit at all. He just keeps driving and driving like nothing happened..praise be to the God. Anyway, i should be more driving the next time, definitely woke me up a little bit..
But my first accident wasn't as worse as my friend's one..I still remember it deeply. It was playing Kanye West song, and suddenly the car took a strong hit on it's driver side door, so near to make matters worse, the driver said that my friend car hits her instead, accusing us and wanted to find more trouble with us.
Poor Icestructor got a bump on his head..
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Don't Keep Me Waiting
I used to snap on a friend before just because he was late, I get this very frustrated feeling happening inside me, therefore an annoyed attitude will occurred in me, therefore things will be said and people will get hurt, therefore keeping me tapping my feet and waiting for you like a douchebag is no good sign. I've rarely ever been late for everything, I'm always punctual to work, always an hour earlier or half an hour earlier than everyone expected, so if i can do it, why can't u..
Anway, yesterday was Christmas and i went to work and this Malay lady was very polite on the phone, saying she's looking for a house and stuff so i recommend her a better nicer house for her, then she say she wants to see it the next day, Sunday so i said it's on..cause appointment is very important to me, since it's the first phrase of getting the green rolling in.
So i call her an one earlier, no answer, half an hour before the actual appointment [1 o' clock], no answer, then it's finally 1 o clock, i called her cellphone about 20 times, no answer, nothing..fucking bitch. I hate when people are not person of their words, i was actually looking forward to showing her the house, but that daughter of a bitch blew me's almost midnight now and i bet she doesn't have the gut to call me back anymore.
So if you want to be a son of a bitch or daughter of a bastard, please do blew me off, i encourage you, good things shall come to you if you do so, please i highly recommend y'all..
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Can I Have Her?
So can i have her, please? It could be my Christmas present though i don't celebrate it..or you can send me to me in an angpau package..i don't care i just want her, so cute..maybe that what I'll name my daughter..Lucy
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Anyway, lately i've been having a clumsy's a rundown of all the clumsy thing on happen to me that i remember since birth..
1. Should We Merge?-Basically me entering a woman womb, that was stupid..i should have just turn around rather than swimming straight..
2. Bumping Head-I remember when i was young i should have knock my head a lot, either by running around when the floor was just mopped by mum, or running around when the floor was just mopped by yea..
3. White Meat- When i was in elementary school, i remember falling down with my left knee grinding through the road, but it was inside the school, the ground is just like those road ground, filled with little tiny stone..I grind so far and hard that it literally starts spilling blood out, nobody knows except me..i got scar to prove.
4. Exhaust Pipe- Recently i just got burn by some Malay guy motor's exhaust, that bitch park his motor so near behind me that just when i turned, i got burned..hey, that rhymed..
5. Stick N Stone- Friend threw a stick at my face, need i say more?
6. First Few Days Of Driving- Trust me, lots of near death experience, ask my friends, it ranks from suddenly lane switching to driving to the wrong side of the road, too much grand theft auto i assume..
7. Dropping Baby- Yes i drop babies before, no i didn't..i make you shocked, didn't I..
8.Shut My Finger Tight- Long long ago when i was way young to spell my name, i accidentally shut my own finger with my dad's car door, it was vulgarly painful..
So as you can see..these are only some that i remembered, but i know there's more..God, i'm shit
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Women's Language
See what i mean, women seems to love playing these mindgame..and unfortunately for us men, it's confusing and we don't like playing it, we would rather be playing our Playstation rather than this "games". Men sometime don't and probably will never understand the women's language, though it is English they're speaking yet somehow it sound alien-like.
It's probably the way God would wanted his female creation to be like, after completion..God must have forgotten that his previous creation, male did not had that software programmed into them, therefore making the gender communication difficult. I have my fair share of women's language, and thankfully i've studied some of their language, saving me the trouble from being into a even bigger trouble that i've already have.
It's really not as hard as i might have describe, it just takes practice..then again, not every women are as hard to understand as those in the video, so bless us..
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010
This guy is someone that i've yet to speak to, despite not saying a word to each other before, despite not knowing each other, we come to state where one would tear the other one's signboard on someone's house whenever one sees it.
The rivalry starts off with me tearing off his sticker that he pasted on the house that i've sold recently [refer to older post] pissing me off when i saw it, i didn't hesitate to come down from the car and ripping it off without even a second thought, it's just no's has to come off from the house, because i got it first and you motherfucker have no right to try to steal my business.
So i ripped it off, the next day when i came by again, them bastard took down my sign as well, and normally when shit like this kicks in, it's means war..but thankfully, in the end i still managed to sell off the house, saving me lots of trouble having to go back and forth checking on the house, now whose having the last dumbass..
Mr non licensed property agent trying to stand in my way, it's because of dumbass like him that some people don't trust us to help them sell their good lousy two shoes faggot bitch. Best believe now that everywhere i go, i see your sticker, it will be ripped off..
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Social Netwrok Review
The Social Network is clever, witty and entertaining movie throughout, wish took me by surprise since i didn't any of this from the movie..
Sunday, December 12, 2010
You're My Idiot
Alviss Kong, the recently famous guy that took the media entertainment by storm thanks to his infamous stunt, jumping off building and flying without wings just because of some girl that you dated for like 4 months..Alviss Kong, i proudly salute your're my idol, you're my idiot..
To be honest..i was laughing while reading the news about your suicide, you reminds me why sometime love is unpredictable. You and your little ex-girlfriend made headline all around the world, coming from someone who lives in Cheras, Kuala're became an overnight superstar.
Now Alviss, the reason for this post from me to you is because i wanted to ask you why are you so stupid for love, blinded by love, drunk from love..Killing yourself over some broad is the best thing you can come up with, hell, my friend wished for Haiti earthquake to happen in Malaysia, that shit will take years for mother nature to produce, but took matters to your hand therefore, you're by far 2010 biggest idiot..
I'm being brutally honest here about your death, like it or hate it, in fact i can be as rude as i want to a dead spirit if i want to..cause frankly i wouldn't give a rat ass about you since you're already dead. Reading some of the dumb thing you wrote in Facebook makes me laughed harder about're truly inspirational. Well, your suffering ends while your parents, family and friends suffering will remains till the day they died thanks to you..That little girlfriend of yours probably never find dates again since now everyone knows she's the girl that make a man jump off building..
The moral of the story is that if you lose someone doesn't mean you lost everything, so why must one make that come true..well Alviss probably knows the answer, you dumbfuck..
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This is not what i've pay for, play for
Lay around the floor by bitches gay whore
Anyway, i'm talking about this game i'm playing, i keep stepping on it, don't know why..such luck..Anyway, this post is about gamers with games only, so if you don't play games, you'll probably don't understand what i'm talking about..
It's been a while since i've talked about video let me have my moment..
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Thursday, December 09, 2010
I've Sold My First House
I've sold my first house[pic]..this was my first potential motherfucking house and i thought this will be the last house i'll ever fucking sell off, fortunately it become the first house i sell motherfucking fucking motherfucker fucker happy..
The house is really nice in the inside..everything is clean and neat, semi- furnished with air cond in every room, plus the neighborhood is really fucking nice too, too bad i only have one picture..Anyway, i was fucking surprised the vendor let me do his fucking house, given that he wanted to sell it around 220k to 230k, i thought it was motherfucking impossible, but impossible failed me and gave me my first fucking motherfucking check..
So yesterday i've already bought an Indian buyer, he seems motherfucking really interested and i thought he might be the one, see what agents do here, guessing who and whose not the one, it's like we're playing love game..he buy it..he buy it not..he buy it..he fucking buys it not..Anyway, then today i bought another group of people to see the another house's under my father..then after seeing that i just thought of bringing them to see the house above..and to my surprise, they actually fucking fucker bought it..
But because the vendor couldn't lower his price anymore, he's willing to sell it at 215k if my commission cut in half, I on one hand have no choice but he has the right and at the same time, this is between the vendor and the buyer so..i so fucking sacrificed myself, did theyfucking sacrifice myself for my instead of 2% of the check, now only 1%..whine
So ya..the rest is basically history, now doing the whole tenancy agreement thingy that i'm very blurred at..After that's done, check please..
Sorry about the swearing though, probably my most vulgar post ever..i'm just so excited..okay i promised i won't curse again, fucking ok? i mean..ok ok..i won't curse again..ciao bitches..aww man..
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Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Review
This game is silly fun..the editing the theme of video game style implanted into the movie really shows..silly fun..funny silly..
Monday, November 29, 2010
Jamie's Rejection
So here's a true story about the only girl i've ever i know there's nothing proud to brag about here, but then again people are always intrigue to read about these kind of things, it always seems to get more view than any other subject..and because it's totally surreal for'll see how.
There was this girl called Jamie [ love that name by the way] who i met at my high school, I'm not going to describe how she looks like because there's a picture of her at the end of this post..
Made you look didn't I, anyway back to the real thing here, so Jamie was in my high school, she was in the first class therefore she is smarter than me, no surprises there..and she speak English, a must have for she stayed near by my house, but of course i didn't know that only after sometime later.
So if u read my earlier post titled "Ugly" you should know the story about this girl that was in the same class with Jamie that i liked, but rejected me..I was totally cool with it but she bought me to a party to further embarrass me..I am still cool with it. So here's the B side of the story, me and Jamie were at that party with some friends too as well, so me and 2 other guys were men wrestling each other, not serious one but rather just playing in a sense, so..nobody got hurt or broken, please don't stop reading at this point or i nothing..
As we were men wrestling each other, but i think because girls are not used to the fact that boys play with each other this way due to the popularity of WWE Wrestling at that era, so they think we are actually hurting each other, so she just said " don't hurt him la ".. him as in me. So one of the guy said " why, you like him or something " and she actually said " yes "..And that was my shocking part.
The reason it was surreal to me was because a girl from the first class could liked someone like me from the third class, not to mention someone who got rejected by the girl who bought me to that party, she's a fully A student, i'm a one A it was a totally surreal moment and in reply i said this..
" .............. "
That's right, i said nothing..i actually said nothing, not that i have something to said but saying something is way better than just keeping my mouth shut. I total crush Jamie's night after that moment..she didn't say a word after that..and basically just waiting and dying to go home..i was still in shocked mode, if someone touch me at that moment, they could get electrocuted. For someone who talks a lot, i can't put 2 words together for her, pretty much that was the last time i saw her, she transferred to a different school and never seen her since.
They say the silent type of rejection is possibly the worse case rejection one could ever get, is this true..i've received the reply back rejection before, God that was awful enough, so I still some time thinking about that party night, thinking how maybe just maybe we could have at least keep contact if things happened another way, but if thing really did took off, I have a feeling it wouldn't last long because that's
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Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Stupid People Stupid Videos
There was the infamous video called 2 girl 1 cup that involved 2 girls eating shit, puking into each other mouth, causes a massive fuzz all over the world. I saw the video and was truly disgusting but then again i always knew that Japan is full of weird people despite believing they have a beautiful culture..
Then there was the more famous video wish i never knew, call pain Olympus or something, i forgotten the title sorry..The video involved some guy cutting off his own that..i couldn't continue finish watching due to intensive graphic violence..i wouldn't recommend any dare devil to go watch it either..cause serious..woo~
Now the recently famous one, girl killing innocent small animal in front of's what they said:
Recently, the video of a girl senselessly killing a baby rabbit appeared on the Internet. The cruelty provoked Netizens’ great anger towards the rabbit killer girl. Many of you thought this was just an isolated incident, the girl was probably mentally ill. However no, the truth is behind her cruel acts there is an interest group by the name of “Crush Fetish”. Including those other girls appeared in the video are all members of this group of abusing and killing various small animals. The goal of making these sick videos is to make profit; they make the videos into DVD discs and sell them to foreign countries. Prior to this, there were already videos of a mid-aged women abusing and killing cats, rabbits and dogs on the Internet, she was just one of them.
After the rabbit killing video was released to the public, one netizen talked to me in details about these videos of killing small animals and about the insider profiteering group. He said that he had monitored the group secretly for 6 month in order to expose them. Due to the group being very secretive and exclusive, he had no progress for while. After a long period of time, he finally obtained some chat records between the group members, images and also many videos of them abusing and killing various small animals. on earth has earth become?
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Envy / Jealous
+ I envy the fact that he's more superior than i am..
- Therefore i hate knowing that i never stand a chance against him..
- Look at him..
- Look at me..
x I'm jealous to the point where i don't like him..
x Everytime i hear his name..
x Despite not even knowing him..
x Fuck him..
* Spending more time with him now..
* Sooner or'll see..
* It will changed..
* You just don't believe me..
* But i do..
For once i will let a song do the talking for me..I just can't find words to say it..Look at my post, Jesus..
There's a line in there that i really liked..guess when you hear it, it's pretty obvious which line is it..
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Sunday, November 21, 2010
One Ticket Please
The big flat screen, the crowd among us, the popcorn, the surround sound, the entertainment of the show, the laughter together..that's why it's best to watch movie in cinema, if you think watching Avatar through CD is the best way possible, doctor needs to check your head then..
Anyway, i have always watched many movie on my own, and people seems to either find that sad or weird, something like abnormal..i don't know why.
I watched most of the movie alone for many reasons, not their type of movie, schedule conflict, no money and some other shit as well..I prefer to watch some by myself because it's easier to arrange, my way..having to commit to everyone else favor just takes too much time.
No offend though, it has nothing to do with not liking the company, I'm just used to it..I don't find it sad or weird like my friends do, i'm just used to it..besides, the reason i bought the ticket is to watch the movie i wanted, not to chit chat with people beside me.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1Review
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Let Me In Review
Let Me In is surprisingly good, scary and has a fantastic haunting score..Chloe Mortez [girl in pic] is abosutely brilliant in the movie, and the chemistry between Abby and Owen was well likey overall..
Friday, November 12, 2010
Simple English
I met a lots of people whose English are just plain laughable, they can't even speak simple basic English, so instead of being frustrated by their faking performance, i went and have fun with them..I remembered there was this Malay teacher that i "had fun" with..I asked her what time is it..and she said "I'm sorry i don't have the clock" while looking at her wrist..go figure. Here's another memorable scene, a malay guy told me specifically that GIRL is spelled as GRIL..go figure that too..that is when i realized I'm in a school full of dumb broad with no basic English knowledge, don't to sound arrogant but..i felt like a king in English classes.
I remembered that i always ask my mum why are we in Malaysia when we can be in America solely based on the fact that we clearly can speak English better than any of these bums, so why wasting time here..unfortunately no answers were given..It's hard to find people that can speak good English in my neighborhood, cause it's bad enough that none of my Malay friends can speak a single proper word of English, i felt like if i keep rotting Chinese with them constantly, their bad English could have a side effect on me too.. so i was kinda surprised when i first enrolled in SEGi College that 90% of the people there can speak good English, for once in my schooling history, i felt like home.
This post is dedicated to the girl who wore a shirt that says ä½ ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆçœ‹æˆ‘ which means "Why Are You Looking At Me", instead it wrote "Why You Look Me"..see what i mean
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Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Learning Chinese
To be honest i cant remember how i was to learn Chinese by myself..tuition perhaps..must have been something like that. Throughout those days i think the kids around me must have trouble understanding my tone and pronounecation of it..But seriously, i can't seem to dig up my brain and find any memories of me learning Chinese, probably because the process of learning it was so horrific that my brain just decided to totally removed any memories of it..
Of course like every normal human beings, boys at least..if we were to learn a language without any guidance or taking classes or learning from books or everything like that at all, we are most likely to only interested in learning the bad words..why, because if someone fuck u up with their bad words, you'll have some weapon of swearing language at your disposal too..Eventually i pick up these word more and more and gradually it just become part of men to men conversation..there won't be a sentence where there won't be a single bad like i said, at least for boys, we tend to learn shit like this faster and more passionately..
But i do thanks my parents for sending me to a Chinese educated school, otherwise i would have some communication trouble with most people, since most people rather speak Chinese rather than English and don't even get me started on goverment with their blind mind thinking that Bahasa Melayu is still the main universal language..
But eventually i repay my parents back by quitting Chinese in Form 3, just feel like i had enough it. It's basically the same thing years after years, and besides, taking Chinese out only give me more freedom to do other dumbass subject like History and Add Math..
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Saturday, November 06, 2010
Hospital Mummy
SO i drove her to the clinic but turns out it was closed, so i drove her to another clinic and it was close too then the 3rd clinic was opened..but doctor need to go to a hospital to check up and take blood sample because they're afraid it might be Denggi. So i drove Satan's missus to the hospital and the smell of hospital bring back fond memories of my days spending in a hospital..screaming, yelling, crying, bleeding and torturing, it's all coming back to me now..
Anyway, the doctor it might and might not be Denggi but she needs to stay in the hospital for God knows how long so this shit means my allowance will get cut..Anyway, i drove back to my sister and bring her to the hospital as well to stay there for a couple of hour till our next visit tomorrow..I'm gonna be doing lots of driving these few days. She gets a room with only one bed meaning she gets the whole room to herself, and not only that but one of Astro's channel as well..lucky woman.
So everyone of us in the house has been admitted to the hospital before one way or's like a never ending cycle of hospital for my operation when i was young, my sister for her asma, my dad for his car accident and now my mum for her yet to be confirmed illness, ah..the tradition continue..but the winner is still me, yes and only and only..for spending nearly a year in a hospital..
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Thursday, November 04, 2010
Sibling Rivalry
My guess would be because 2 people spend so much time together that lighting and thunder is bound to collide every now and then..the thing is..why must it happen..why can't it just skip that colliding part and just continue..I guess divorce is kinda the same reason why it happened..2 people spending too much time together, especially a Venus and a Mars..shit is just gonna take off..
Me and my sister just got into a fight not too long ago..this shit will last a few days to cool off..I'm a snake and she's a pig..see the terrible irony? The Chinese saying says that snake and pig are mortal enemies, and out of all the animals, the snake ends up wit a pig for a sister..why did it happen..of course something like..everything happened for a reason will be the response if you ask. I guessed maybe because my dad is a dog and my mum is a dragon..therefore i suffered the same fate..Dog and dragon are also mortal enemies according to the Chinese.
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Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Secret Girlfriend
I believed that my father has a secret girlfriend, now i called it secret because he never tell me about it, not because he's cheating behind my mum's back, they he's a free bird..There is no confirmation about this, but i can just feel it..underneath my skin, inside my vain, within my bones, flowing through the blood..I just have a weird feeling about this..
You know how i think it's true, just now not too long ago, my dad posted some girl picture he knows on Facebook saying " My Beautiful Babe " Now will any normal guy randomly called a girl beautiful babe for no reason other than he's interested in her..exactly my point..this is what makes me feel like my dad has a secret girlfriend that i think only his friends knows about..Here's go the true and false possibility here..
True..if it's true..i don't know if i can accept it..i mean how would you feel if one day you find out your dad secretly has someone else in his life that you're not aware of..and suddenly out of nowhere, it comes out..can you handle it? I don't know if i can, I'm not saying i absolutely can't..just don't know about it. False..if it's false which i highly doubt so then it's ok..everything neutral then..
This whole thing is a bit weird for me, the only thing I'm wondering now is..if he met her 9 years ago..could she be the reason the marriage failed..
I bet most of y'all viewed this post because of the title ain't it..y'all thought was about me..
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
I'm starting to get used to the whole system and at the same time getting used to the flexible working hour, and boy oh's really flexible..I only need to work for as long as i want or as short as i want, one way or the other, as long as i managed to sell something..shit is easy.
For the pass 2 week, i've been coming home around 2 or 3 o's so easy, just driving around and looking for empty houses or shop to sell is the hard part, not to mention having a buyer, that's the tougher part but if i managed to go pass this 2 level, then the money comes in..and that's the joyful part..
Selling properties is kinda like selling cars, at times there won't be any money coming in at all, but when shit kicks in, when the money bill comes in, when the dollar come rolling, when the buyer love it..shit is sweet..I mean we can't find our buyer so all we can do is sit and wait..that's why the working hour is so flexible..Seriously, if i knew it is this much joy, i would have done it in the first place instead of having to go through all those designing workplace..
But despite all this, it's still a work, so i need to have the right working attitude otherwise i'll fail i'll try not to fall on the second option..Plus side is..I've spending lot more time with my father then ever..we talk more nowadays cause finally we have something we can talk about..I feel closer to my father now..
Did i mention my dad ALMOST sold a place that comes with a 3 million commission..well, it didn't happen..shit..
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Monday, October 25, 2010
Anyway, today is technically the first day of getting the feel of what it's like to be a broker..Speaking of the name's absurd, can't they come up with better name..sounds like someone who enjoys breaking things for a living..or sounds like someone who is constantly on the edge of bankruptcy every moment..
Anyway, everyone in the office is middle age like about 30's or 50's being only 21 in there feels like a small kids working in the President's white horse, serving under the red white blue flag. What I'm trying to say is feel like somewhere i don't quite belong..yet..kinda feels like i need to reach certain age before i can socialize with these people, not that there's anything wrong wit them..but just..would you rather hang out with your grandfather's friends or friends your age?
Hanging out with old folks is one thing..but to hang out with folks with cigarette is a different story, seems like almost everyone whom my father befriend with has a box of cigarette in their pocket..One day alone i have breathe in more smoke than ever before..i will hit the coffin box faster than of those's "breathless"..
So anyway, i didn't do much today except follow my dad around town, learning houses and shops type, memorizing road's name..area..path..landlord..shit like that..Let see how this line of work will do for me..
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Friday, October 22, 2010
RED review
A pretty entertaining movie..with good humor, good casts, good over the top action.Watch it like you liked the A Team.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Daddy's Home
Anyway, I am finally home, to my own house, in my own room, with my own fan and air cond, my games, my stuff and everything and my oh so beautiful toilet..the smell of shit is in the air..Anway, coming back to Melaka isn't really a smooth journey, it was in fact a string of bad luck..
First off, after so excited and happy while high on drug about it, i couldn't sleep, only managed to do so after 4 dawn..just that woke up at 8, so was about 4 hour sleep only. Then carrying everything into my car, i realize i left my lap top behind, thankfully i didn't left my lap..or my top..that's would have be disturbing..
After that, i thought i should go have my breakfast since i'm already up and there's nothing i can do except for my owner's son to return home..and the shop was about ironic..So i went to my game shop instead to play some game to burn time, and the games are all spoiled and stuff..sigh weird day to start off with..
After, my owner's son came home, i took my laptop and left and out of nowhere it starts to pour cats and dogs and humans everywhere, very heavily too..the rain drop are big and heavy, kinda like the one where if you took one drop on the head, you'll died..and then after i passed the toll, it was was kinda like Subang Jaya was crying on me..
But thankfully i didn't end up lost on the highway, it would be my biggest panic ever if it would to happen. After 2 hour of driving, i am home..after 3 years..i am home..and it is sweet.
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Sleeping But Not Beauty
When i was younger i never sleep in the afternoon, it was a totally not programmed in my body system, just like a pacifier, not my thing..So i always say i don't sleep in the afternoon, well because for many reason,'s just a waste of time, many things can be done during your process of dream flying to London..two, sleeping in the afternoon will make it hard for some to sleep at ya, technically i don't sleep in the afternoon.
Lately, i think the program in my body is getting old and starting to wear off and for the pass week, i've been sleeping for a couple of hour 6 days a week, expect Sunday. I like to lay on my bed with my laptop or my PSP, so suddenly out of nowhere, i feel sleepy and as much as i tried to resist, it always win. Well, bright side is i'm getting more sleeping time than ever, that's better that lack of sleep..maybe it's because i've been sleeping late alot lately too that's why, or maybe..someone has been cooking sleeping pills wit mixed rice..
Besides lack of sleep can cause early death, as much as i don't want to live too much, i don't want to die too early either..
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Other Guys Review
The film is pretty entertaining throughout..between ferell and wahlberg performance..i liked wahlberg's's laugh out loud even now and then..just wish there were more of samuel and dwayne johnson on screen because they are fantastic on screen together for a short period of time..
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The American Review
slowly-paced, European-style mood piece, short on dialogue and action and long on atmosphere and a boring film..
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
MALACCA: All 12 victims of the horrific Simpang Ampat crash have been identified. Nine of the dead were Malaysians, while three were Myanmar nationals.
The accident occured along the North South Highway Sunday night, when an express bus crashed through the guard rails and ploughed into five vehicles.
The dead were identified by police with the help of distraught relatives, who began streaming to the Malacca Hospital's mortuary around 10pm Sunday.
Those who died were bus driver R. Ramachandra, 52, from Kampung Tengah, Klebang Besar; express bus passengers Muhammad Farizuddin Talib, 19 (Balai Panjang, Malim); Azizi Ajis, 19 (Kampung Gapis, Nyalas); Norazmi Abdul Karim, 24 (Kampung Pondok Kempas, Selandar); Sharene Sofia Fadzry Tan, 18 (Semabok Perdana); Nur Shafika Baba, 29 (Pokok Mangga here) and Eng Sok Kuan, 52, (Kuala Lumpur), and the three Myanmar men, Pau Khan Tual, 21, Kam Khaw Tual, 28, and Cin Thawa Tuang (age unknown).
Van driver Goo Chuan Heng, 34, from Taman Maju, Batu Pahat and motorist Pang Shi Moei, 57, (Taman Segar, Segamat) were the other victims.
Hospital authorities have assigned a special room for distraught family members to mourn their loss with volunteers from local Buddhist and Muslim organisations at hand to comfort bereaving families.
The 12 were killed when a north-bound express bus crashed through the guardrail and ploughed into five vehicles heading in the opposite direction at KM223.2 of the North South Expressway near Simpang Ampat here on Sunday.
Forty-five others were also injured in the 6.45pm accident, which occurred near the Negri Sembilan-Malacca border.
Witnesses said the express bus crashed into the rear of a car before the driver lost control of his vehicle and rammed through the guardrail and onto the path of an oncoming bus, two cars and a motorcycle.
The impact caused the express bus to flip onto its side. The bus driver and motorcyclist were among the casualties. The oncoming bus belonged to the Welfare Department.
I cannot believe this happen around hometown..out of so many i travel back and forth..Praise Jesus he's with me..and rest in peace to those who had died..Seems like triple 10 is not such a good luck day after all..wonder if those couple who got married on that day will be any lucky..
Monday, October 11, 2010
Random 16
Anyway, long story short, i got woken up by my fat bitch ass owner after calling me through the phone multiple time asking to open the door. I thought maybe she left her key with her son again, so i went and open it for her and turns out the door knob is stuck or jam or something..
The point of my story, she can't enter her own door, feels like there's a devil standing in between her and the door..spooky..I know the feeling of getting lock out of your house before, but mine was different, i forgot to bring my key..forgetful me..
Anyway, she's still trying to get in..using stupid method like putting oil on the knob or something..lazy to criticize her..knocking on devil's door
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Sunday, October 10, 2010
I knew from the beginning that this will be kinda difficult for some, especially the women, cause you know..women+emotion..mixed and matched..Anyway, what's more interesting is that i can't believe that how some would go as far as scolding me for leaving Subang and going back to where i was originated, where i came from in the first place. It surprised me how much my friends really wanted me to stay here with them..
But as life has decided, i can't..i have to go, i have to work and i missed home badly..I'm sick of living in someone's else room for 3 years, not having to eat with my parents and not knowing whether or not my parents are safe or healthy..I guess life has chosen and i guessed this is a one track road. So i hoped anyone who has already know about me moving away, I'm just 2 hour away from Subang, get a car, stuck that key inside your crap mobile and come see me if you want.
And those who just found out here..please don't hate me for not telling, it's not easy to tell and it's even harder to accept, so please..please..please i beg you Hail Mary..don't pee on my grave when i die..
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Thursday, October 07, 2010
Ignore The Annoy
You know the feeling of having someone constantly bothering you day in and out about very little biggest annoyance comes from people who always seem to want to be around him especially if it's a he..if it's a she..this post wouldn't exist, agreed gentlemen?
Anyway, i hate it when people always seem to want to find me to do something, back then when i was in high school, i used to have this bunch who would com to my house every goddamn day to play video was annoying as hell..cause all i wanted was some time alone with no interferences and yet these people doesn't seem to the point where i have fake asleep or shut off all light while in the house..
Ignoring them will difficult, it will work but will be hard..because they don't know about it but eventually, very bloody slowly they will wear off..but patience is not your thing..this is a big pill to swallow then..I saw of my friend doing the same thing as i did, ignoring them..he has this friend of his which i know as well who has no unexplainable why loves to call him ever 10 o clock at night to tell him about "HIS" day, emphasize on the big alphabet. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's a male calling another male telling him about his day..i call that gross..definitely will annoyed the fuck out of me too if i was in his shoes..
I don't know..sometime i feel bad ignoring them knowing all they're doing is just being themselves and being a friend, but then get on my skin, let alone my are being annoying..
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Monday, October 04, 2010
It's Just A Wedding..
Recently like i posted before, one of my friend recently got married..hooray..ah fuck it..Anyway, like i said, i don't know why some people want to get married so early, the point being? i don't know either..but today i want to talk about women and their unforgiving unreasonable reason to spend all the world's money on 1 day..on one wedding..
Now i know that some women had so called planned their wedding day since they were that even legal? Anyway, women have already started living in fantasy world since that age so it's only reasonable that as a duty as a gentlemen, we grant them that wish right..well, it depends actually..
Some men are willingly enough to spend so much money on one day of all you unrecognizable strangers just to see him and his wife get personally, i think it's wasting. To me, all i see is just a day where i get up, get dress and get going so that i can get home soon..To me, the real wedding begins on the day after the "wedding"..To me, the real wedding is how 2 ppl who vows to stay together spend their life together..That..ladies and gentlemen, is a real wedding..
But then again, wedding has never about Romeo right, it's has always been Juilet's day..Romeo is just there to fill up the missing pieces.
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Sunday, October 03, 2010
Malacca Soon
I'm leaving the designing world behind me to enter the world of poperty selling. My dad wanted me to follow his footstep and my mum says that i'm still young and times like this are the best time to try out different work feel to see where i fit in best..since 60% of people end up doing something else that they're learned from college, i guess i'm one of them too..
Hopefully i'll do better in property than designing, it's a sad case for me though because i've always like designing but the working life for that is sad, overbearing and tiredsome..maybe it's just me..still trying to adapt that kind of field.
Anyway, long story short, I'm resigning from my working please don't nag at me again..I told myself that i want to stay there for at least 2 or 3 years to gain experience but this shit came i'm guessing that God has plan for me already..hopefully for the best..
So i guess this is good night Subang Jaya and good morning Malacca..daddy's home..
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Saturday, October 02, 2010
Legend Of The Guardian Review
but the real highlight is definitely the graphic..coming from the team that make Happy Feet, expect no less from them..
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Parking Ticket
It's quite surprising for me though when i first found out about it..I driving half way to home and it was dark at night so i didn't pay any attention to the left lower front window, half way through..i realized it flipping with the wind as i speed my way i stopped at the roadside, took and look at it..chances of it not being a parking ticket is zero percent.
Well, it wasn't that's just a parking ticket from Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya, some of my friends say i can ignore this ticket as they did the same as well..I intentionally wanted to pay the ticket cause i rather lose money rather than they coming over and take my car away..but of course that won't happen..i think..
Anyway, there's always first time for, that's life i guess..
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wall Street: Money Never Sleep Review
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Legend Of The Fist: The Return Of Chen Zhen Review
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tied The Knot
Of course i'm gonna get some feedback saying shit like " Ice, u're not woman, you won't understand" " Ice, you're not in love, i won't understand"..My reply is " Thank God i'm not a woman, and i don't need to be in love to understand " It's simple..lf you want to spend your life with someone, you get married right..but not that this young age..i mean there's only a few possible reason why they do so..
1-is either they believe in 2012
2-boy rich
3-girl said so and boy had no choice but to follow
4-girl already pregnant
5-stupid in love
Now, though there are 5 options here, i highly believed 4 of the above are the true possible reason..The reason i want to talk about this crap is because i just found out recently from Facebook that one of my high school friend is married already..just yesterday..she's my age for fuck sake..
Don't you have better things to do if you're 21..there's so much freedom left to explore. I would never get married at such a young age..i always thought it's taboo..for some reason..not proven true..but..for some reason. I mean i know i would like to tie down too someday..but let be realistic, married at age 21 is not realistic..then again, the world we live in nowadays, it has became common. For me, the right age to be tied down will b around 27 above..if lower than that, it's still in dating stage..
Anyway, this is me being me, screwing people's privacy and ruining people dream..Since she doesn't know i have a blog nor do we even speak to each other anymore..
Here's to the newly weds..

She looks so different..him, i don't know him..Congratualtions..
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Monday, September 20, 2010
What Life Has Become..
Wake up early, work till late, reach home later to be up again early~what life has become..
Food, drink, clothes, games, movie ticket, parking ticket, petrol for car~what life has become..
Mid sem break, Semester break, holiday break, no more break to see mummy and daddy~what life has become..
Primary school hell, Secondary school hell-er, SEGi college hell-O, Work hellish-what life has becomes..
10 years ago, 15 of nonsense, 18 years old already, 21 years old later~what life has become..
6 in one group, 5 in a group, 3 in a group, soon..what life has become..
Nicholas, Nick, Ni-ko-lust, Nikelek, Burung Tiong, Bird, Ice Cream, Ice Cube, Ice T, Ice Lemon Tea, Ice~what life has become..
Hate a girl, Like a girl, Love a girl, Kiss a girl, Leave a girl, No time for girls..what life has become..
Create a blog, blog password, dashboard, new post, publish~what life has become..
Friday, September 17, 2010
Life At Risk+Drive Like This
Anyway, i read this on newspaper the other day while on recess hour during work..and i can't believe that such driver ever existed in the first place..the driver was in his car, ready to reverse..but without his knowledge, he didn't see a boy was behind his car. The boy was 3 years old so a 3 years old is probably pretty short to see from the rear the asshole reversed his car without realizing that there's a boy behind him.
He reversed his car and the poor boy got ran over..and i think maybe in his tiny little micro brain cell head of his..he thought he ran over a huge rock or something, so he drove forward..running over the boy again..and for something imbecile reason, he thought it would be fun to repear the whole process again, so he reversed..again..third time on the boy..
Pretty much after hard solid fight with 'rocks', he decided to come out and see what the hell is going on underneath his his surprise, it was a child..Here's the saddest cruel part, instead of calling for help or something a normal person would do..he decided to just leave his car there and walk away..
The parent found out of course, mum cried till dawn came the next day..R.I.P little boy..
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
Stop Me From Video Game
You know how mum or parents are always saying shit like video game will effect a child's study, of course they're right..i mean my grade started dropping like mosquitoes that got smack by the electric racket thingy..
Of course i was glad it never went as far as literally tossed out to the garbage. Video game was everything to me back in those was one of the best thing that ever happen in my life and i remember my first time watching video game..back then i was around 3 i think..
Me and my family was eating in KFC and we were sitting next to the glass wall so next to me was a game store and this square box [TV] got my attention for what it was was so cool..i felt like a fat kid in a cake was heaven..of course i didn't want it but my dad saw how much i like it, he bought it for me..
Since that day, video game have remain my longest best friend ever..friends come and go but video game will stay with u forever. It kept me company, it kept me entertained, it helps me ease stress, it make me skip school to play it, it make me fail subjects, it make me start wearing specs, it caused me alot of money, it cause daddy alots of money because of it's constant need for electricity, it got mummy angry, it got my sister involved as well, it is my life..
This post is dedicated to the guy who invented video, my man..i salute you..thank you for as entertaiment throughout..
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Sitcom Writer
I remembered one of my very first sitcom that i loved was Home Improvement, it was absolutely funny, though i couldn't understand much of the jokes last time..i was still entertained nevertheless..every weekday 4.30..i jump on the couch..sitcom time. Looking back at it, Home Improvement was amazing, Tim Allen's natural performance on screen is what makes the show amazing..
Then as i grew older Friends came along, it was even better, it was slightly different, it was funny and it definitely make my day and ever since those day onward, i've been in love in sitcom..It's just too bad sitcom nowadays just aren't as funny as the 90's used to be, it just feels weak watching all these new ones..
So with all this interest and passion on sitcom, one of my earlier dream was to become a sitcom writer, in charge of writing all the show funny dialog, that's what i wanted..why, because the rest of the work on a sitcom is too much work for me, so i took the lazy way in. If it would to happen, i wouldn't do it in Hollywood, it would be in Malaysian, why..because Malaysian need more sitcom on TV like Phua Chu Kang and because i felt like Malaysian sitcom are too restricted to show more things, so if i get a chance, i want to break the 4 wall..
Anyway, that's my dream back in the days, my silly dream on my silly post in my silly blog from a silly guy..but then God has already planned something else for all of us right?
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Friday, September 10, 2010
Reason being that there is a lot of reason behind it..I just have no self esteem anymore, i just don't feel comfortable in my own skin, i just don't have any confidence in myself, so in contrast to these personality..i avoid all possible human contact to avoid feeling like uncomfortable..
When i was working, i would chose to eat alone rather than eating in a group..I remembered back then when i was having my intern in KL..i chose to eat by myself for the first 2 months, only about the last few weeks there that i feel comfortable enough to eat together with my colleague..and i make them believe that i don't eat lunch, and when they ask why..i'll just say i'm not that hungry..
Switching to the present now, at my working place..i still chose to eat alone by myself..I try once eating along with them, i felt like awkward. Everybody was speaking Cantonese and i couldn't understand most of it, so i stay quiet there for half an'll never see a more quieter version of me since the dawn of civilization..
Bringing you back to the main source of the story, it all happened when i was in high school..and there was this girl that i liked [i don't know why i did]..after letting her know how i feel..all she can say is "why would i like you, you're ugly and not cute also" and i felt hurt of course, then she invited me to a party of hers, i stupidly went along [ i don't know why again] i went and to my shocking surprise, the reason she invited me was because she want to show her relatives that i was the "ugly guy" that likes her, and i felt and i became a laughing stock of a night..i went home and look at the mirror..i never felt more uglier..
From that day, i stop trying to socialize with new people because i'm always afraid that someone somewhere is laughing at me, talking something about me, commenting about me..i just don't want anymore of that i chose to be by myself most of the time. I just lost my whole self esteem that day, so i believe that i'm bound to meet people that i'm meant to meet with, the others extra people is optional..if i meet them life still goes on, if i don't..i still wouldn't give a rat ass concern about it.
Don't tell me that i don't socialize..tell me why should i socialize with you in the first place..
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Resident Evil Afterlife Review
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Mixed Rice, Variety..
Anyway, i like to have about 4 to 5 different choices on my food..but the perfect combination would be something like this..
Sotong, chicken, fish, vegetable, egg, tofu and others as well..I'm like a shopalic in a food store, i'm a foodaholic..You know the difference between men shopping and women look at the price then decide whether or not to try it on, women try everything on then decide on how to convince men to pay for it. Unfortunately for my case in food, i'm the woman..i put everything before i decide without even bothered if the price is more than 20..
Speaking of more than 20..a case in Mid Valley's food court that happens for a couple of months ago where i paid for a mixed rice that went above 20 dollar..i took insanely load of their junk..even the cashier look at me with such curiosity..see what i mean when i say i'm the woman when it comes to food, mixed rice especially..
My philosophy goes like this, eat all the hell i wanna eat and don't even bother with the end, that philosophy remains.
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Monday, September 06, 2010
Random 15
+Then Chlo Chlo just start running up and down the stair, don't know why..
+Sucram joined..both race and down..
+Chlo Chlo tripped at the last step, hurt her ankle..
+I don't know how serious it is, because she makes any injuries sounds like end of the world..
+Hope nothing's wrong..
Chlo Chlo say comment or die+
Sunday, September 05, 2010
The nomination for best slut goes to:
Paris Hilton
The nomination for worse idol to be idolized by teens is:
The nomination for worse embarassment ever goes to:
Lindsay Lohan
The nomination for the worse useless celebrities ever:
Jessica Simpsons
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Saturday, September 04, 2010
Old Cow Versus Tender Grass Review
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Have Car, Will Travel
Anyway, driving around in KL is a bitch, i hate narrow road especially when there's lots of motorcyclists around. Those bastard are actually asking for death judging by the way they drive, it's reckless..I was driving around in Sunway and i nearly crash 2 motorcyclist, an Indian and a Malay..
I wasn't as scared about the Malay guy as much as i was about the Indian guy, because crashing into him is a problem, but because he has a son in the back with no helmet [if i remembered correctly] that's is nightmare..Imagine how it would feel like if i were to accidentally killed a boy just 2 weeks of driving..I would touch a steering wheel again, if so help me God..
Not to mention the traffic here is a drag, like literally..Guess that's still okay as long as no idiot try to perform stupidity while tight traffic..I guess it's just some getting used to..
Anyway, having a car means bankruptcy, i have visited the bank more often than I have had..feeding my car till I'm going broke..damn, like owner like car huh..both can really eat huh..
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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Step Up 3 Review
Friday, August 27, 2010
Grown Ups Review
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Expendable Review
Story, well movie like this cant never and will never have a story, it's typical type of story for all mercenary movie..
The only thing worth watching here are the chemistry between the crew[ Expendable crew], the gun ,the explosive, the brutal hand to hand combo, the blood and sweat, the amount of body kill..
In short, a type of movie brainless men loves to watch, hey, that's us..
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Monday, August 23, 2010
What Should I Name My Car
Some of my friends name their car..and since i got nothing better to do..
So what should i name here's the description, it's a Viva, it's white and from Malacca..
So name can you come up with..
I thought of naming it either IceVa or V-Ice..
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Saturday, August 21, 2010
Driving Is Such A Bitch
My dad brought the car from Melaka to Subang Jaya and i drove it back to Melaka, why did he bring it back here just to have me drove it back? Daddy wanted me to get the feel of the highway..his called..
Anyway, driving is a bitch, not just on normal road, even on the highway, it felt like shit and boring..I mean when on normal road, there's lots of bump, signs, curve, corner, traffic and junction..and on the highway, well on highway, it just..straight..
I drove for 2 hour i think on the highway, first timer, so definitely slower then drove more around in Melaka, took my dad to the new Tesco to buy was relaxing in the car..i bet he was waiting for this payback a long time..him chilling and me the driver..
When i finally reach home, my ass has never felt happier to breath..21/8/10..first time driving..
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Thursday, August 19, 2010
Stalk A Stalker
Now before i go now i personally has never met this clown before, but even so i wouldn't want to myself..i would must rather hear the story from a far secure zone where he's forbidden to enter..
so i'll just say what i know about him through what my friends has experienced..i called it a nightmare on elm college [Taylor Lakeside]..
Anyhow, this guy, according to my friends from Taylor as well told me that he's stalking my friend, Chloe..apparently he has this weird creepy interest of tackling ever single pretty that ever exist, and my friend is one of his target, i say one, yes one of the many target, see how creepy this guy is..It's understandable when you show an interest in someone, but you don't go play your card on the first few time you met..and he's like asking for her phone number, blog address and everything.. I guess it felt creepy because my friends told me he was asking all type of weird questions.
I guessed people like this, all we can do is avoid them as much as possible, sticking next to them is only gonna make some things worse than it already is, if it was me, i wouldn't want to give myself time to see the likable side of him..why's too risky..
So in return, i went on and stalk him too, but not physically, of course using the "blogically" way
Here's his blog, if you still see a person named Jess, Cameron and Ghost, all those person is me, i made up fake name to get to he's his blog if you're curious..
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Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fatherly Love
My father shouted at me, scolded me for not being able to drive and yet want to drive to work, i felt hopeless and disappointed in myself, i felt so weak that a simple thing like driving, i can't do it anymore..I can't even reverse a car out, I just don't know why, i just lost my ability to control a car..
Then my father sat next to me and guide me again through the basic, learning everything again, and i could drive again, though maybe it's because i need more pratice, it's been 4 years since i have my license, and i have never literally drive any car since..except for that testdrive earlier this year..
But then i realized this is the first time me and my dad have spoken for so long..this is the first time that i remember that me and my dad have so much to talk about, we have never spoken so much to each other before, if we were script, we'll be about 2 sentences long, period.. We talk all the way from Subang Highway back to Melaka, in the car while testdriving and on the way back to Subang again..
Even before i had my car, i had a feeling that this car of mine can bring help me get closer to my dad, and it did..i had never ask anything i don't know from this man before, homework, clothes, studies..this is all mum's work.. I have to be fucking grateful to have a father like him, i don't know the relationship between him and his father but what i got now with him, i'm fucking grateful..
Despite i blame my father for the destruction in his marriage and towards the family, i love him every much as i did back when i was young..It never changed, it might have gone away, but it always came back..
I hope when i have a family of my own sometime, i hope to be at least half the father he was to me..I love you dad..
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
When We Were
Back then when i was in secondary, school life was harder on me, i said that studying was boring and uninteresting, school felt like a place where i don't belong, teachers were old and ugly rather than young and hot, school book was like an extra object that we love leaving under the desk and my result is..well, the opposite of flying color, it's desaturated.
Back then when i was in college, school life was relaxing and enjoying most of the time, actually feel more flexible than ever, i said that studying is better in college because people can actually speak English, school was like the college you see on TV without those spring break only, damn..teachers were balance of good and awful but at least they speak English, school book, need not worry for there isn't any and my result has never been easier to score because the lecturer doesn't know what the fuck they're doing too..
Those were the good old days..when you start working, you'll think back of the good old days..
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mixed Rice, Definitely..
No doubt there is no other food that has able to seduce me into falling victim for food temptation like mixed rice can, the long row of food variety, the amount of food you can choose to take, what you get when all this put together, freedom and more freedom..
There is truly no stopping me when mixed rice is nearly..the person who sells mixed rice normally loves me..for giving them money, well i love them for giving me food..I love mixed rice because it's healthy first of all, there's vegetables, chicken, fish, egg, pork and i normally would take all of them before anyone gets their hands on it..I act like i have my name written all over their food..
For those who knows me will know i take a shit load of food if it's mixed rice, the amount of shit i took can pile up to be like a shocking as it seems, it pretty normal for me. Working there at USJ9, there have like a shot load of food, sushi, tim sum, western, mamak and all but mixed rice is missing, how is this even possible, no mixed rice at all, i call this bullshit..Ice needs his mixed rice people..wake up..
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Boob ask, Noob answer
My reply..
"Bitch where the hell have you been.."
Anyway, in that place, everywhere i turn, every corner i curve, everytime i glance, every moment i see, every minute i see..i see boobs everywhere, like literally in real life and in magazine inches from my face like 3d or far away like 2d..
Anyway, every magazine advertisement that i seen that they're done, all the girl have big boobs, and they were proud of showing it off, like they enjoy being hunchfront of Notre Dame..i mean girls can show whatever they want as long as much as they want..but here's the catch, this women have smaller breast and they went through all these crap just to make them bigger..
Does size really matter, do they get pleasure for making them big, question like these can only be answered by the female readers, we men shall wait for the fact we might need a little demonstration..haha, nah, just kidding..Some of my female friends who have smaller boobs do say to me before that they wish for a bigger one..why..because they can flaunt it..
Now they call men perverts and yet they do stuff that make us unable to control our inner demon..sinner against sinner perhaps? We don't go make our penis bigger and show off half of it while wearing pant now, do we? For me, i personally, honestly..i like whatever size she has, if it's small, so be it..if it's big, so be it..but if given a choice, i choose doesn't get in the way. I wouldn't want her to do something like that to herself or for me, that will be a stupid reason to do so, want to make me happy, cook me food, at all.
And this 'thing' here is real popular apparently, i mean my boss is making money like a bank machine, so that's got to mean that women are paying for thing like this just so that they feel 'completed'..I like small breast yet i'm working for a company that is slowly taking away my dream..what a curse..I'm making dirty money..
For women who are doing this for themselves, i hope you find happiness..
For women who did this for some men, kill yourself..
For women who did this because husband/boyfriend requested, kill them..
Ladies, in case you've forgotten, i think y'all are beautiful the way you are..
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Monday, August 09, 2010
Man In A Women's World
"Ice, i thought you were working at Serdang..what happened"
My reply..
*Bitch, where have you been..*
Anyway, unless you wanna be like my dear friend Chloe, who went out assuming, accusing, abusing me through MSN box thinking i bail the place for no should buy a hamburger, take the top and bottom layer of it and slap your face with it..together..
I did took the offer and let me take the whole story of it, this is an exclusive behind the scene, a'right folks..First off, I had this very weird feeling that the place doesn't suit me because the place is a women's place, as in cosmetic..The place is called KS Cosmetic, the KS stands for Keeping Slim, so you can working there..weird..
I still went for the interview despite it all, reach there and had to wait for the boss for about 1 hour and 35 minute for him to freaking want to interview me. I waited..and waited..and a silence maniac, i was going insane inside..I was like..going to leave..literally..Then Chloe was like " oh Ice, yeah you should quit there as well cause GG's friend says it's overwork and underpaid" and then she went " You stupid la you, you're there already right, just wait patience, put on a smiley face and wait for the boss" about mood swing..
So i thought i take a chance with her, since she's always wrong and never right..the things she said moments ago sounds different..and i kept saying to myself..good thing will come to those who wait..and it did..
During the interview, nothing went right, i was interrupted during interview, i wasn't presenting my stuff like i normally would in every other place and the boss looks fierce, looks fierce..In the end, after that torturous long awaits, he took me in and agreed to pay me 1, was impressed..Good thing do come to those who wait..but despite all that, i was still hesitating because it looks like i'm the only guy there and constantly being surrounded by women..empowering women..i felt like a bitch in prison..
So today, 9 of August..i went to work and in all my working experience, this is the first time i get to go home while the sun is still up, the sun has never look more beautiful..Other than that, the work was okay i guess, i was struggling during typing Chinese word in computer, cause my PinYin is disastrous, other than that, I'm fine..
I'm happy..thank you God..
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Sunday, August 08, 2010
The Right Amount Of Beauty That I Like
Apparently i realized that i like those that have sweetness in them, the innocence type..
Though i have yet to meet one in real life, i've been admiring this actress since one day..Kwai Lun Mei..she's from Taiwan..she has just about the right quality..not too much yet not too little..




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Saturday, August 07, 2010
Carvantage O DisCarvantage
Actually, having a car is not all rainbow and color, it's a money sucking machine, I for one have never been much into car, expect only certain in term of their design like Lamborghini or Aston Martin..other than that, i know nothing of shit about handling one..
First thing that comes to my mind when my dad told me he bought me the car..what am i looking at when i popped open the hood, what am i gonna do when i popped open the hood, what does this do, what does that do..knowledge in car in case of an accident, shit will be intense..
The benefit of having a car, well..with my life that's going on right now, it can take me to some of my job interview that i can never go due to no bus stop in that area, instead of having to walk a mile t=and sweat and smell like a oink oink..I told my friends many time that my car is just to bring me from A to B, the's not to score girls or anything like that, that's stupid reason to get a car..Think it's fun to have a car, i have to feed him time to time, and her meal is like 40 dollar per set..jeez..
I think despite all, i have to be careful when bringing my car around, i don't want to have to cause or get accident for no reason, nobody would want that..Anyway, despite like it or not, driving a car is something that all men can never escape, just like escape for these shit..
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