Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I had lots of clumsy things happen to me, I could say it was all an accident since i have no intention of hurting myself in purpose, that would be stupid..unless it's sexually and pleasurable, nah..just kidding..

Anyway, lately i've been having a clumsy month..here's a rundown of all the clumsy thing on happen to me that i remember since birth..

1. Should We Merge?-Basically me entering a woman womb, that was stupid..i should have just turn around rather than swimming straight..

2. Bumping Head-I remember when i was young i should have knock my head a lot, either by running around when the floor was just mopped by mum, or running around when the floor was just mopped by mum..so yea..

3. White Meat- When i was in elementary school, i remember falling down with my left knee grinding through the road, but it was inside the school, the ground is just like those road ground, filled with little tiny stone..I grind so far and hard that it literally starts spilling blood out, nobody knows except me..i got scar to prove.

4. Exhaust Pipe- Recently i just got burn by some Malay guy motor's exhaust, that bitch park his motor so near behind me that just when i turned, i got burned..hey, that rhymed..

5. Stick N Stone- Friend threw a stick at my face, need i say more?

6. First Few Days Of Driving- Trust me, lots of near death experience, ask my friends, it ranks from suddenly lane switching to driving to the wrong side of the road, too much grand theft auto i assume..

7. Dropping Baby- Yes i drop babies before, no i didn't..i make you shocked, didn't I..

8.Shut My Finger Tight- Long long ago when i was way young to spell my name, i accidentally shut my own finger with my dad's car door, it was vulgarly painful..

So as you can see..these are only some that i remembered, but i know there's more..God, i'm shit

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  1. +2,3,4,8..I did juz that..haha..xD...the 8 thg is rly stupid..i actually shut d door myself.><"

  2. ok...can't agree no more on the 8th. i did that when i was trying to be macho coming out from the car and 'slam~' so not cool then..
