Friday, July 09, 2010

Paul The Octopus

Paul the octopus at first hand sounds like some guy with a silly animal codename..but as it turns out Paul is actually, literally just an i know the first sentence sound silly, but just wait and see how silly it'll keep getting..

Obviously the world cup is going on and everybody is so keen into it that someone somewhere somehow discovered that this octopus has some supernatural ability to predict the future of each football matches [ hope you can read the sarcasm in my words] and yet somehow every match he predicted it's true..

Now before i go on anything further, i must point out that i hate football, like i hate it so much that i scored an A on my English essay for criticizing it, just imagine the joy of that..Anyway, i really don't see the point of football, it's like watching a bunch of monkey chasing after a banana..i find it totally pointless and everytime i tried to watch the matches finish, i got bored halfway..

Anyway, everyone is so keen on Paul prediction on football matches that they actually use "him" to win bets, suddenly the whole world revolves around this octopus..people actually believe this octopus like they listen to it, like they worship "him" or something..i on the other hand, find this whole World Cup fever a little too bizarre..Like really? using an octopus to play bets? Next thing you know they're using "him" to guess 4D numbers..

Come on people, it's just an octopus, it doesn't have the ability to guess matches alright, now i know people will say something like "then explain how Paul has been right this whole time" To be honest i have no idea but believing an octopus can predict matches is a bit silly..What's even more silly, it has a name..

This is an anti football fan post, if you don't like what you read, please do hate me, but if you agreed then do love me for voicing out when nonsense is occurring..

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