Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Love Scene In Hollywood Movies

I realized nowadays Hollywood is running dry on ideas fast like a speeding bullet..I mean like literally running dry badly..but i"m not talking about that, i want to talk about love scene in movies, I don't know how Director or Producers think but i've noticed that they do certain scene very awkwardly and badly like the whole screenplay was done by a couple of 5 years old..

The love scene is noticeably the worst scene in any movie..if it's done badly of course. I remembered a few of them, reason of me remembering them is because it's so badly done that it became memorable..

It's either the love scene is just stupid, unnecessary or wrong timing..Now i'm gonna run through all the bad love scene that i've unfortunately seen..

1. The Spy Next Door-Really? First of all the movie is terrible to begin do we really need to see Jackie Chan do kissing scene with some that how we want to remember him by?

2. Hitman-Apparently they messed it up on purpose.. he's a clone who is created and programmed to your homework..

3.Clash Of The Titan-Another bad movie to begin with..the love scene in here is totally unnecessary..

4.Prince Of Persia-This is the dumbest love scene i've seen this year, in the middle of falling wall and shattering ground with no time left to spare..the prince and the girl can stop for a short kiss..haven't he the world so you can save the girl as well..

5.Tekken-Now i know this movie isn't out yet..but from the trailer i can already tell there's gonna be some stupid love scene in it that's doesn't exist in the game..

Some of the best movie are ruined because of their love scene counter part..some of the best movie doesn't have a single love scene, some of the worst movie are saved by love scene..Nowadays to me, love scene is just embarrassing to watch in cinema, because it's like an afterthought and no real emotion, it's all scripted..shit is crazy..

Hollywood, you guys need a love doctor..Is every single Hollywood director, producer or writer desperate and can't find love, so they throw in their wildest fantasy romantic love imagination into movie to express myself..God then i hate to see what they'll do with sex scene..

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