Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Parents Think They Know Best

You know what i hate the when someone just decide to do something for you without even bother to tell you's not like it's so hard to open that little lips and say..whatever it is that they're gonna say. My parents love doing that to me, they just wouldn't bother to tell me before they go off running around signing me to this shit and that..

I never ask for any of this nonsense, because they're smart asses, they think they know what's best for me. The phrase of "mum knows what's best for their children" yes, it's true..but that doesn't mean they can simply put your name in all kind of stupid activities before even bothering to tell you first..what's wrong with these people..

My mum should to do that all the time, she would just sign me for this and that without my permission, i mean i get to choose whether or not i want to participate on it or not..She used to sign me up for swimming classes here and there, drawing classes here and there..the best part is she have already paid for the first class when she sign me up. Again, i fucking repeat..i never ask for all these..I just hate it when someone, anyone do this to me, don't do something for me when i never ask for it.

Let's take the swimming class for example, i specifically say i don't want to take the class, but yet she still sign me up, next thing i know i'm the only boy in the pool who is not a female, who is not over 40 and who is not's like swimming in a pool where fat from the human body are just floating around in it, i feel like i was swimming with oil.

My dad just told me that he had a driving instructor for me to practice my driving again tomorrow, guess the fun part, he paid already..and here's the sweet part, he never bother to tell me at all, he's just "oh, tomorrow 9.30, driving practice with some instructor"..Fuck who says i want to practice my driving tomorrow? nobody..again, it's dejavu all over fucking again..

Am i being ungrateful? i don't know how can i be ungrateful when i was force to participate in all these unwillingly..They could have tell me first but they chose otherwise..does parents know what's best..they think they know what's best..It's not what they do that pisses me off, it's not telling me first that gets on my nerve..

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