Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Nothin' To Say

I feel kinda sad for my own father and son relationship, me and my dad, like father like son and we ain't got nothing much to say to each other. I feel bad for my dad because at times it just feels like nobody in this house has anything to say to him..Me, my sister and my mum are babbling here and there, talking about all kind of shit while my dad's lip stay still.

First off, I love my dad very much, though i don't say it to him and he don't say it back, i never let anything come between me and my daddy..I'm his little boy and he's the best dad i can ever ask for, my dad try to spoil me rotten all the time when i was young but i will always have a little consideration for his money so i never get too carried away..Since i was young my dad will buy me anything i want, it's his way of showing me how much he loves me, he will go as far as stealing it for me if certain item is not for purchase, my mum always tell him to stop buying so much junk for me, but he never listen..he's me..and i want to grow up to be just as stubborn as he is because he's my dad..

Since my parent's divorce, i feel like my dad got left out in this family, we got nothing to say to him and he doesn't have anything to say either, i personally don't like that despite i do it all the time, like for example in a car, me in the passenger seat and my dad on the driver seat, the radio will be the one doing the talking, and we just let that be our mouth as it drive us back home..I know that most and son or daughter relationships are like that, since the father has to go to work, he'll be absence for the whole afternoon, since then the children start to grow fonder with their mother and eventually the father gets left out of his kids life..That's the story of every father, that's the story of my father..

Sometime i wish i have something more to say to my dad, silence don't always have to be golden, let communication be diamond once in a while..our conversation are around 2 to 3 sentences at best, it's pathetic..i don't want that. I know it has been a habit between for the past 20 years and my dad is not a very open man..probably due to the way he was brought up but i just wish we could talk a little more.

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