Today i was using my dad's computer to do some tenancy agreement for this new house i've rent out so as i was searching for Microsoft Points i stumbled upon a document named after my dad's new girlfriend..
So being the busybody that i was..i clicked on it..
Some might that that's invading privacy, that's being rude and not polite..correct and correct but what i did and end up seeing change my perspective about my dad forever. In it contains the story of my dad's background (hence title) and for the first time in my life, i've discovery things about my dad that i didn't know about nor being able to ask about..well cause my parents were divorced therefore there's stuff that's not able to access..
When my dad was a kid he lived a hard knock life..being the 4th child in the family and the first male in the family, my dad had to be independent around age 8 to help his parents around the house to ease some burden, also mainly due to the fact he lost 4 older sister due to sickness..which i think i never met before. Life was hard for him, having to collect firewood and unwanted vegetable from farmers that didn't want's like eating garbage from trash bin.
My dad had to work part time jobs here and there to help support the family taking lots of job over the course of his life which i cannot remember what are they actually..i remembered he mentioned working for some uncle RM8 a day and never once make more than 500 a month but i guessed back then, that amount is equal to 1k nowadays in modern it or isn't it?
The best part of the whole post that got my attention was between my dad and my mum..for 22 years i never know it's behind the scene story about it. My dad stated that it was the saddest moment in his life and i could imagine why since my mum was his 1st love ever and the fact they've been together for about 16 years together dating and marriage altogether..My dad receive a phone call from some lawyer office calling him about the divorce letter being served, my dad sign the paper reluctantly for the sake of me and my sister, surrender his house and everything because of my mum.
All this time i blamed my dad for being the bad guy cause that's how the media always picture men as..that's why the wife always gets the kids and the house and everything..suddenly i see my mum as the bad person now..
I think I'm gonna accept my dad's new relationship with that Ipoh girl, like it or not..for once in 12 years, my dad was happy again and I'm happy for him.
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