Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Anybody who knows me long enough knows that i think about having a little girl of my own more than anything, anyone who knows me enough knows that i think about marriage more than wedding..

I will officially say it..i hate wedding, i think they're stupid and a waste of money with time..it's brainwashed, it's too much chick flick with popcorn and too much wedding article around..completed brainwashed. Like the wedding post i mentioned, wedding to me is not important at all, i would rather spend all my money and effort or thought into my marriage A.K.A the life that me and my [wife] build together..soon..

I don't think i need to tell y'all what is a marriage but i would like to point that how many fail to see that this part of life is the most important one rather than focusing so much on wedding. Marriage to me is the real actually wedding..the time where life will be a roller coaster ride going up and down and how it ain't like all fancy dressing, wine drinking, laughter and expensive food those kind of thing, it's the real deal..

Spending so much money on one day putting up fake smiles and inviting thousand of weirdo who comes only for cheap food and cheaper wine..when one is getting married, they'll come but when one is going through a divorce, will they come? I laughed at people who married fast, thinking marriage is a walk in the park..snap them back to reality.

I take marriage very seriously, given the fact that my parent's marriage drop dead in front of my eyes, i got lots of prove to myself and the whole world that i will not share the same fate as my parents..divorce is not an option at all. Despite so i'm not planning to get married anytime soon since i'm barely surviving with my jobs and all..if i never find the right girl then i'll never get married as simple as that..

I cared bout marriage more than wedding..fuck wedding.

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