Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Secret Operation

Recently i've been going through some top secret operation that no one knows, not even my parents..that's how top secret it is..

So anyway, I've been checking with some doctor and they told me that i've been not taking care of myself very well therefore my body is not in good condition that i should be in, not to say my body has ever been in healthy condition due to kidney operation when i was young. Currently going through this battle by myself, want no one to stand by me or anything like that..this is my battle and I'll face it alone..

The bill is not cheap, not cheap at all..shit is gonna cost me about 18k for the whole thing. It's intense to know that i can't just consume every food i like, having to approach a more healthy diet, do execrise and sleep well. I can't do any of those things and have not being doing any of those things.. I guess it's best that i found out now rather than later cause who knows what worse could have happen.

I postponed everything that i was supposed to be doing because of this secret operation, and i'm officially bankrupt.. 9 months of hard ass kissing job commission is vanished to dust paying all these doctors and it's still not enough.. I need more money..

Tune in for the next post to see why i chose to face this battle alone and why i chose not to borrow money from my parents.

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