Wednesday, February 02, 2011

When It Rains..It Pours..

It has been raining a lot lately in Malacca, now normally due to the heat of the weather, this will come as a joy to us all when it rains..but mother nature has it's way of getting back at us..

It was raining non stop actually and i didn't see this as a sign of worries because one day is what this bloody earth could use at this point of time, because like i weather..this ain't no Miami vice so rain is our friend people..Without realizing it though, the rain that started on one day carries on till day two and that's where people starts panicking and worrying..

Malacca had histories of mother nature fighting back at us before, first it was the infamous tornado in my taman, shit was ridiculous..but i wasn't around when it happened, i heard people ans stuff were flying around, thankfully my home wasn't touched..

Anyway, Lately the rain causes some place in Malacca to flood, especially those houses that are at lower ground, just to name one place..Taman Merdeka, it's located somewhere near my place and it was flooded..but thank God the water level wasn't high enough to flood my place as well. I didn't take any picture but the water in the drain was so high that if..just if few inches of rain on it..we will all drown in flood..i'll probably be scuba diving on traffic just to give y'all a visualize image of how close we came to be swimming in drain water..

My parent were more worried than me, my mum especially..worried of having to clean the house like some mad cow, cause our house got flooded once or twice..can't remember properly..damaged a few furniture that we had, wasted a few more dollar to replace them..i was fucking saving my PS3 before anything else, even myself..don judge..i know it's the wrong thing to do at the wrong time..but i just did me..

Anyway, good news is that the water went down already and everything back to normal..

Comment Or Die+


  1. come back to selangor man, where you dont have to worry about floods..anyway, good job on saving your ps3..

  2. u think selangor very safe ah..if not flood then maybe tornado or some other mother nature attack

  3. nothing like it all my life man..nothing.just normal rain and sun..

  4. in terms of gaming or cars, yes..but not floods man..hahahaha
